75. Dimitri

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Temptation has been knocking at my door and honestly I haven't been answering. To think this was what I used to live for.

Now all I do is shake my head in disgust. Especially knowing that these women have men that will be coming back home to them.

"Okay so I'm all done here. There will be another one of my colleagues that will come and fit your new boiler."

"Oh...? Why is that?"

"Why? I won't be around by the time the boiler comes. I'll be on holiday."

"Oh. Well... you should come see me before you go away Dimitri. It's been ages since we... you know." She said as she winked and came closer to me.

Lord... this is exactly what I was talking about.

"Look. It's been ages because I'm not that guy anymore."

"Yeah right. Don't tell me you settled down?" She said and started laughing.

"Matter of fact, I have. I'm a father now and I'm engaged. So I would appreciate it if you respected my space as you're way too close." I said as I stepped back and put my arm out showing her the distance in which she should keep.

She laughs.

"Do you really think that will keep you from straying? A baby and being engaged?"

"I know it will."

"A leopard can never change its spots Dimitri."

"Oh I know. That's why YOU will never change."


"Yes. Have a look around you. All this that you have is because of your husband. Yet here you are wanting to risk that with me."

"Didn't bother you before..."

"I never had nothing to lose. You did and still do."

"If you're worried about me telling her I won't."

I laughed.

"I'm not worried because there is nothing to tell. After this you won't see me ever again. I just hope you realise what you have before it's too late."

"You really expect me to believe you've changed?"

"I don't really care what you believe Samantha. Furthermore... it's not about change. I was never in a relationship every time I hit. Now I am, I'm not even interested. Bye Samantha." I said as I left her house.

I messaged the twins to inform them of Samantha and her promiscuous ways and to stay well clear if they want to remain a part of my business.

That woman was toxic. I never saw it then but I see it now. It was clear she wasn't happy so why didn't she just leave?

That wasn't my business though. I was very happy and as long as I stayed faithful that would be how it would remain.

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