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What Happens Next?


So last time we left you guys, Gianna left her daughter on my doorstep saying she was actually my daughter. Turns out she was mine and the first thing I did was change her name to Amarni. It was a bit hard getting used to it but Amber has been amazing and you would have thought she gave birth to Amarni the way she deals with her. A real woman. A real mother. Haven't heard a word from Gianna and it's almost been a year. She can rot in hell for all I care.

I've started counselling sessions with my parents, more for my family than anything. They also come once a month to see their grandchildren.

And the best news yet. I'm engaged. Yes. I popped the question and Amber said yes of course. There's no rush, we're taking it slowly and planning stuff together. I couldn't be happier!


Barefoot and pregnant is how I like my wife and here we are yet again with baby number three on the way! I agreed to the live in nanny and i can admit it's made so much sense. We get to have date nights. It doesn't stop us being parents. It just helps us out.

Oh and to make things much better. Alana was sentenced to fifteen years no parole. As well as this there will be a restraining order closer to the time of her release and if she tries anything then they will put her back inside for two years.

Now that's what you call a happy ending!


Life is great!! Business is booming! I even employed my wife to take all calls and sort appointments for me and my workers. I've employed two more men and it's really working out.

I really can't complain, well I can. Krystal wants us to wait for more kids but I'm not trying to hear that. As we speak I can hear her throwing up. Third time this week.

She refuses to admit that she's pregnant but it's okay. I'll wait. As we all know, I always get what I want!


Today is my wedding day. It took me a while to get here. But I am finally here, finally doing it right. I stand at the alter and wait for my beautiful wife to join me.

As she walks down the isle I get nervous. This is it. This is for life. Once at the alter she gives me that smile that I fall in love with every time.

"Do you... Ethan Francis take Michaela Norris to be your lawful wife?"

"I do..."

"Do you Michaela Norris take Ethan Francis to be your lawful husband?"

"I... Don't."

Chatter echoed through the church and I was absolutely confused at what I heard.


"I said... I don't!" She said removing her veil.

"What are you doing???"

"What am I doing?" She then turns to the church. "He asked me what am I doing. Can you believe it? He thinks he can sleep with someone else whilst I'm in labour and that I'll forgive him? He thinks he can beg and plead and say he's going to change and I'll welcome him with open arms? Ha! So... I needed a way for him to hurt, for him to be ashamed. What a better way than for him to actually change, for him to actually give me what I want, for me to then tell him I don't actually want to marry him." She then turned back to me. "I would NEVER marry you. Ever! But we all know how much you hate embarrassment. Maybe now you will learn your lesson." She said as she stepped off the altar. "Oh... and just in case you are not sure. It's. Over." She said before walking off.


A year later and as I'm watching my boys play I wonder what it would have been like if Elisha was here with them.

Yep, that's right. The day Michaela left me at the alter, that was the last time I saw her or my daughter Elisha.

I meant it when I said my kids mean everything to me, so I guess with Michaela knowing that she hurt me the only way she knew how.

I couldn't be mad. This was my karma.

My birthday, Christmas and Elisha's first birthday has passed and Michaela has sent me pictures and videos of Elisha. A part of me wishes that she didn't, a part of me is angry, then another part, the father in me just caves in. I miss my daughter. Yes, Michaela is wrong for taking my daughter. But I should have known she wouldn't have hung around. Not like the other three... who by the way are having a field day reminding me how much I deserved what Michaela done.

I refuse to deal with them. My mothers house is where we will drop the kids for the other to pick them up. Only time I see them is during court. When it's the boys birthday, I take them out and do my own thing with them.

I'm dealing with losing the woman I actually loved, I'm dealing with losing my daughter, I don't need those bad minded people adding to it.

I may be crazy but I still miss Michaela. At times I have these thoughts that maybe, just maybe... she will come back and who knows?

One thing that's for sure is I'm done with women. It's just me and my boys. That's all I need. Oh and Elisha... I need my daughter. It's okay though, I have hired a private investigator and one way or another I'll have my daughter around me. Michaela can not keep her from me forever.

My phone rang taking me out of my thoughts.


"Mr Francis..." a voice said.

"Yeah? Who is this?"

"It's your P.I. - I've found her. I've found your daughter."


"Sending you the address as we speak."

"Great job. I'll be in touch." I said before hanging up.

"Gotcha!" I said with a smile.

Told you I wouldn't give up. I guess it's time to pay Miss Michaela Norris a little visit...

The End

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