11. Ethan

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"So how have you found your second week here?" I asked Michaela.

"I'm really enjoying it. This is everything I've wanted to do. I love sports, love keeping fit and I love kids. Even the cheeky ones." She said to me.

"Yep, I totally get you."

"And I've had a really cool guy to shadow." She added.

I smiled.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah man! The kids love you. I want that one day. For kids to say PE is their favourite lesson because of Miss Norris." She said smiling.

"I don't doubt that one day it will happen for you." I said to her.

The bell went letting us know lunch was over. I decided it was now or never. As we walked back to the PE department I plucked up the courage to ask her.

"So.. any plans for tonight?"

"Nah, was just going to go home."

"Oh okay. There's a new restaurant I want to try. You want to come with me?"

"Erm... yeah, okay. That would be nice." She said.

"Okay cool, well we can meet for about 7 tonight. I'll come and get you if you want?"

"Okay. I'll look forward to it." She said before going into the girls changing rooms.

I smiled.

Yes E! Get in there.

A few hours later and I was parked outside Michaela's house and waiting for her. My phone rang and it was Zaria.

"Hey Zee." I said.

"Hey E." She said making us both laugh.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. Just wondered if you could have Elijah this weekend?"

"Yeah sure. Drop him round tomorrow, or I'll come pick him up actually."

"Thank you. Mum was doing my head in about having to look after him."


"Because she says a date is not a good enough reason to look after her grandson."

I laughed.

"That's your mum for you. It's okay anyway, I'll have him. You should have asked me first anyway."

"Yeah... anyway I got to go now. See you tomorrow. Bye." She said before hanging up.

Well that was odd!

Just then there was a knock at my window. I looked up to see Michaela. I unlocked the car doors and let her in.

"Hey. Sorry I took so long." She said.

"It's a woman thing. My mum always has me waiting."

She laughed.

When we arrived to the restaurant it was quite busy. I was so glad I had booked us a table because at this rate we would have to wait a long time before being seated.

"This is nice." Michaela said as we sat down in a booth.

"Yeah, it is isn't it? I had booked it but didn't really know what to expect."


"Yeah. I wasn't too worried though. I have an eye for great things, and I'm never usually wrong." I said as I stared at her.

She smiled then put a part of her hair behind her ear. She was so beautiful. Her hair was down. Something I'm not used to seeing as her hair is always in one. She had on a nice green dress that complimented her physique. She was very reserved. I liked it.

The night was going well and we was getting to know each other. She had the same goals and passion as me which really had me feeling her. None of my sons mothers had the same passion as me. It was more a sexual attraction than anything.

"So you love working with kids, do you have any of your own?" I asked her.

"No, not yet. I want to have kids once I'm married."

"Oh okay, what if that doesn't happen? What if you get pregnant before you get married?"

"Well, it's unlikely. When I mention marriage a lot of guys switch off. Also, I'm seem to keep attracting guys who already have children, which is an absolute no no for me." She said.

And just like that my bubble had been burst.

"How come?"

"I just have this idea of wanting us to both share our first child together. Also, I don't want for any child - mine or the other child he would have, to feel like they're the odd one out, not part of the family. Oh, and let's not forget... baby mothers. Nothing but drama. I'd rather not. I like peace. My life is very peaceful." She said.

I could not fault her reasons. They're not unreasonable. It was a shame because my children were my everything. They're my world.

Luckily this part of the convo was towards the end of the night so getting the bill and leaving didn't come across as a premature ending.

When we arrived to Michaela's I walked her to the door.

"Thank you for tonight, I had a nice time. Was nice getting to know you."

"Glad you enjoyed." I said to her.

"However... I feel something is wrong. The car journey was quiet and you seem a bit off. Is everything okay?" She asked.

Well, may as well tell her.

"Yeah, erm... I have three kids. Three boys. They mean the world to me and they come before anything and anyone. So when you said guys and kids ain't for you I was quite disheartened, but I respect your reasons."

"Wow. I never saw that coming. But I'm glad you was honest. I guess what I said was true about attracting guys with kids. It's a shame though because I felt like I had just met my Mr Right."

"Right back at you. But listen, we still have to work together. So I hope we can still be cool."

"Yeah sure! You're a great guy. So everything is still the same work wise." She said as she kissed my cheek and went inside.

As I drove home I was quite disappointed at how the night ended but one thing I would never do is lie about my kids. No woman is worth me doing that.

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