19. Ethan

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"So you never said you could bowl." I said to Michaela as she got her third strike.

"You never asked." She said looking pleased at herself.

"Fair dos." I said.

I went and bowled and didn't hit not one pin. I could hear her giggling.

"Oh that's funny yeah?"

"You are crap!" She said and burst out laughing.

Just as she was about to bowl I snuck up behind her and nudged her.


"You just can't bowl under pressure. Is that my fault?"

"Under pressure? You pushed me!"

"You say potato I say potahto"

She laughed.

"I'm still going to win anyway." She said.

That she was right. She won. We then went to the arcade bit. Played a few games there which she won the majority of.

I really wondered had I always been crap or if she's really this good.

"Thanks for tonight. It was fun. I was a bit hesitant coming out today. I thought you was trying to make a move on me again. Didn't want it to be awkward."

"Awkward? How?"

"Well you know... with you having kids and me not being interested in guys with kids."

"I never forgot. I wouldn't forget. My kids are everything to me. It's just a shame. As much as you have your reasons... you never even gave me as a person a chance. One thing I don't do is bring women around my children until I see it actually going somewhere. So what we could have had and my relationship with my boys would never have been compromised. Besides, I'm a great dad, can you guarantee the guy you meet who has never had kids before would be a great dad?"

"Well I intend on marrying him first so I'm sure if I marry him he'll be a great person."

"You can be a great person but not everyone can be a great parent. It's just not in them. They won't know until they actually have kids."

"Hmmm I guess so."

"So I think you should try stepping into forbidden territory."

"How did we come to talking about this?"

"To be honest, you brought it up."

"I did didn't I?"


"I just want a friend, I moved down here on my own. My family and friends are out of London. So when we go out like tonight I like it. I like our conversations. But I really don't want to complicate things. Say I did decide to look past the fact you have children, then we didn't work out. We would still have to work together. I love my job and I wouldn't want that to change because I know that everyday I go in I'm going to see you."

"You're assuming we wouldn't work out though."

"Worst case scenario."

"Look, I won't lie. I think you have this stereotypical look on guys with kids. I want to be the one to change your mind on things. But I'm not going to force you. Your friend? I can be that. We can chill, don't always have to go out. If a friend is what you really want... that's what you'll have before anything else."

"It is. Thank you." She said.

I smiled. I'll be her friend alright. But with the intention on becoming something more.

What can I say? I'm persistent.

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