41. Aaron

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"Oh yes. Shit... mmmhmm right there." Amber moans as I have her bent over my desk.

"Shut up." I say because she's making far too much noise.

"I can't... oh yes! Give.. me.. this... dick. Oooooo."

"Mmmm I'm about to cum." I say to her.

She goes on all fours and sucks on my dick; sucking, slurping and swallowing up every inch of me. She doesn't let a drop leave her mouth. She's a pro.

I sit there feeling lifeless as she's sucked the life out of me.. literally.


"Sorry about the noise. I just can't help it." She said with a big grin as she put her knickers back on.

"Yeah I can tell." I said shaking my head.

"So, when can we pick up where we left off?" Amber asked.

"Look, I'm all for the sex but I don't want you getting attached Amber."

"Don't get carried away. Just because your dick is big and you know how to use it don't mean I'm going to be falling for you."

"Okay." I said sarcastically.

It's been a few weeks since me and Amber started sleeping together and now; Amber contacts me everyday. Take note I work with her too. She may not have fallen but she will. Which has me thinking if all this is even a good idea.

"You think way too highly of yourself. You think I'm trying to get with a guy who just came out of a relationship? No. I told you I get what I want and I got it. You're good company too. But if you think it's too much that's cool. I'll ease off." She said as she left my office.

There was something about Amber. She wasn't true to herself. It's as if she tries to portray herself as this woman who's okay with casual sex when really she wants more than that.

This is how females start falling for guys when it's just meant to be sex. Then act as if it's our fault.

I didn't really pay much mind to Amber as I had a lot of work to be doing. I had annual leave coming up, so I decided to sort out what's number one on my to do list; getting some real decorators in to fix up my house.

Hopefully within the week they could deal with the majority of the house, then I can order new furniture that I actually like; for my bachelor pad.

I had been seeing Jennifer weekly and speaking to her and it actually has been helping. I know I have to talk to Ethan and Dimitri and apologise but I know they will give me hell and I need to be able to accept it and not blow up on them like before.

But they're my brothers. We've been through worse. I can't see why they wouldn't forgive me...

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