31. Ethan

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School had come and gone real quick today. I was looking forward to the few days left. We would have a big party on the last day which was always fun.

I had just sat down to eat my food when there was a knock at my door.

"Da da da da." Was coming from the other side of the door.


I opened the door and to my surprise there he was, with his mother Zaria.

"Hey, everything okay?" I said as I let them both in.

"Yeah, Elijah just wanted to come and stay with daddy."

"Oh is that right? You wanted to come and stay with Daddy?" I said as I picked him up and there him in the air.

He giggles.

"You know I would have him but I got work in the morning Z."

"That's okay, we can just stay over again. I don't mind." She said.

Uh oh.

"Oh okay. Well yeah sure. Hey Elijah have you eaten?"

Elijah shakes his head.

"Come eat with Daddy." I say.

"And what about mummy?"

"You know where the kitchen is right?"

She kisses her teeth and goes into the kitchen.

I fed Elijah and we played, then I bath him and put him to bed. Now, it's time I talk to Zaria.

"Thanks for that. I'm so tired." She said.

"No problem. Look, Zaria... we need to talk."

"I'm glad you said that. I wanted to talk to you too actually."

"Oh okay. About what?"

"Well seeing as me and Lijah stay here so often I was wondering if it would make sense me bringing some of my stuff over."

"Over where?"

"Over here."

"Okay. Stop. Slow. Rewind. Pause. Zaria, you know I care for you. I love Elijah. But you know there is no us. I just can't."

"I know. But maybe..."

"No. No maybe... I think us being sexually active has messed things up. Maybe we should hold off from that. And just co parent."

"You can't just drop me and pick me up when you feel like Ethan!"

"I'm not! This is why I'm talking to you about it. I don't want you to start having feelings again."

"Again? They never left."


"No it's cool. I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, let me please."

"No. Don't be nice. Don't do that. Don't confuse things. Don't confuse me. Just, let me sleep on the couch and then the only time I will speak to you is when I need to drop off and pick up Elijah. That's for the best."

"Zaria I'm sorry."

"Didn't I say don't be nice? Just get me a blanket please." She said.

I did as I was told.

"Zaria... I'm just not ready for a relationship. I'm not ready to try and work on anything. It's just me and the boys. I hope you understand." I said as I gave her the blanket.

"Yeah. Loud and clear." She said before walking off to the bathroom.

I really hated upsetting Zaria. I could hear her crying and I wanted to go out there to her but I felt it was best I left her alone. I closed my eyes hoping sleep would takeover real soon...

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