48. Javon

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"Get out? What do you mean get out? I'm not getting out! What happened?"

"I don't want to talk to you." Paige said.

Before I could say anything else the doctor walked in.

"Hello Paige. You said you wanted to see your son."

"Yeah, but I'm in pain. Can I have some pain killers and can you get rid of this one please. He's not welcome here."

The doctor looked at me.


"Sir... if she doesn't want you here I'm afraid you will have to leave."

"I'm not going anywhere! She's my wife and I'm staying put!"

"Mr Harrison? Can I speak to you outside?" The doctor said to me.

I nodded and left with him.


"I want you to come and see your son. Follow me." He said.

I followed. When I got there my heart felt so heavy.

"What... what's happened! Why does he have that helping him breathe?"

"The car crash caused your wife to give birth early but during the time she was stuck, your sons air supply was cut off. It's lucky that he's even here. Despite this he is alive but he's using the machine to breathe. If he manages to get better chances are he will always need help with his breathing. Your wife was very brave. As scared as she was she was brave. I don't know if this will help but you can go back and say you've seen your son. Angry or not I'm sure she will be interested in knowing that you've seen him."

"Thank you doctor."

I walked back to Paige's room.

"I'm not leaving here until you tell me what's happened! I deserve to know why our son has this machine helping him to breathe!!"

"You've seen him?" She said looking at me.

Low and behold she did seem very interested.

"Yes I have. You said Alana did this. How? Why? Tell me what happened!"

Paige's flashback

I was driving the car on my way to pick up Paris. I felt like I was being followed. Everywhere I turned the car turned too. So I pulled over and the car drove pass. I shrugged it off that the car was following me and that it was just coincidental. Then I got to a junction and the lights were red. Once the lights turned green and I put the car into drive a car comes crashing into me. I don't know if I went into shock or what but it took a while before I realised I was in a crash let alone hurt. Then my stomach started hurting. I'm screaming and crying out in pain... then... then... SHE... she comes to the car, and she says. "You think you can have him? You think being married means anything? He's mine and I will get him. All I have to do is get rid of you first." With that she walked off. I looked around and it was so weird at how no one was around. I tried to move and that's when I realised I was bleeding. I was panicking all I could do was beep the horn. I tried everything. I just wanted someone to see so they could save my baby. I was in so much pain I then blacked out.

Paige was crying at this point. I went over to her to console her and she flinched.

"I meant what I said. It's your fault. I don't want you here."

"Paige please."

"NO!! Arghhh... I don't want to hear it!! I warned you! I told you she would not stop! Now look!! She almost killed our baby! What if Paris was in the car? What if we lost them both? What could you have told me?!"

"Paige surely you don't think I would really put you and the kids at harm?"

"No. No I don't. But Im so mad and hurt right now. I don't want you around. I'm sorry Javon... but i can't be with you."

I looked at her.


"Had you listened from the jump, maybe we wouldn't have got here. I feel you cared more about the job being short staffed than a mad bitch that ended up putting your family at risk. I've always got you and always held you down. But look... you let this bitch not just get to me but to our son too. Now he's fighting for his life. That... that I can't forgive you for. So... it's over."


"Don't Paige me. Don't. Don't make this harder than what it is. Just go. You can come and see your son because I'll never stop that. But I don't want you here. Don't come and see me. Leave Javon. Now." She said as tears filled her eyes.

Never in my life had I felt so defeated. But I wasn't trying to make Paige feel any worse than what she did.

I left the hospital and could not believe the reality of what was happening.

My wife had just left me...

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