50. Aaron

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I think seeing the guys at Javons and seeing how down Javon is, definitely put things into perspective for me.

Prior to this I've been accepting things I refused to before. I know that when I drink I drink more than I should and it becomes a problem. So no I am not an alcoholic, yes I have a drinking problem. Yes there is a difference. I'm working on it. I avoid drinking. Even when I have had a busy or stressful day. I'll go gym instead.

I spoke with Gianna and I wished her all the best. I forgave her. No, we wouldn't be friends or anything but I had to let go all of that anger. Like she said, it would only be me it would cause harm to.

Life was good. My house was completed and it was the home I had always wanted.

Today I was having a session with Jennifer. She had said that this was called the "Test" session. I was very much intrigued as well as looking forward to the session.

"Hello Aaron."

"Hey Jennifer."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm quite good you know."

"That's good. Right, today's session is a test. I'm going to have a normal session with you however you will be wearing this..." she said as she took out a box.

"What's that?"

"In here are monitors for your finger chest and your head. You will also be tested on your body temperature. What these do is read you; so if I ask you something and you're lying I will know. No it's not a lie detector, but it will pick up a change of behaviour. So we'll do a few examples before we start. Let's pop these on you first." She said.

Sceptical; but I decided to take part.

"Okay, first question. Are you truly happy?"

"Truly? No. But I'm getting there."

"Okay. I believe you." She said looking at the monitor that was connected to my head my finger and my chest.

"Next question. Are you scared of spiders?"

"No." I lied.

She didn't need to know that.



Out of nowhere she picked up a jar and placed it on the table and a huge spider was inside it. Even I could hear my own heart. I knew her reader could sense it too.

"Okay Okay, im scared of spiders."

"Next question. How do you feel about your mum?"

"Honestly.. I don't know. She left when I was young. I felt abandoned. Unwanted. But I guess I understood. She couldn't live with that man anymore. I can relate. So I get it."

She looked at the readers and nodded.

"Okay. Next question. How do you feel about your father?"

"He's a bastard. He's a coward. Hitting women and kids. I wish he would try now though. I'll show him a thing or two."

She looked at the reader.

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