51. Dimitri

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"For a guy.. you sure do have a lot of shit." Ethan said as he helped me pack.

"Mind how you're talking about my stuff. I can assure you that nothing I own is shit." I said making us all laugh.

"You guys don't make me laugh I have the worst hangover." Aaron said.

"I thought you kicked the drinking bro?" Ethan said.

"I did. I did. Then you wouldn't believe what happened to me yesterday..." he said as he told us about his sessions with his godmother.

We knew about her and the sessions. I always knew something like this would end up happening. This is why you aren't meant to have sessions with someone who knows you.

Personal and professional can not and shouldn't ever mix.

"Damn. That's a lot. But still. Is drinking really the answer? Not trying to have a go. We just don't want you slipping. You have been doing well." I said.

"I hear you. I do. It was just last night. This morning I woke up and threw the remains of the bottle down the sink. I had had more than enough. It was just a shock to see them that's all." Aaron said.

I wasn't going to sweat him. I don't know what I would do if that was me.

"Just know you have us. The bottle shouldn't even be last resort. We don't want you doing anything stupid." Javon said.

"Well I think I might have."

"Uh oh." We all said.

He then started telling us about Amber.

"If you've been telling her what it is from the beginning and she's happy to be used for sex then that's her problem." I said.

"Well we know that you won't get no better advice from D." Javon said making us all laugh.

"Javon you always hating on a brother."

"No no no. Never that. Your lifestyle is just a wild one and your advice even wilder. But it's the first time I've laughed in a while." He said.

"How's things at home?" Ethan asked Javon.

"They still ain't letting Jermaine out yet. I'm up there everyday and I'm staying at my mums for a minute but I'm always at the house. I deal with Paris and help Paige even though she says she don't want or need my help. I'm not giving up. That's my family and I'll fight for it." Javon said.

I did feel bad for him. Out of the four of us Javon was the real good guy. That's why he's the only one married with two kids. It's just a shame this has happened. I really hoped Paige would come around.

For the rest of the day the guys helped me pack. Yes pack. I got myself a new place. I needed a change. This house had some memories. But this wasn't my home. My home wouldn't be accessible to all these girls. And over the years I've invited many over. I was tired of Roxanne and Sabrina just turning up. So I was moving. Not far. Still local. But this time only my family and the guys would know where I lay my head.

There was a knock at the door.

"Aye someone get that for me." I shouted from the bathroom.

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