9. Aaron

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Lately I've been having this feeling. Something is not right. I don't know what but I just can't quite put my finger on it.
I'm not sure if it's to do with me and Gianna arguing but something is not right.

Tonight, me and the fellas are going golf. I decided whilst we're out to get their opinion on it.

"So what's new? How's everyone adjusting being back to work this week? Javon asked.

"Yo! Life right now is great. I'm due to get a promotion to head of the PE department." E told us.

"That's good bro! I know how much this means to you. This is just the field for you." I said to Ethan.

"Thanks man! To top it off, a new girl has joined the PE department and she is definitely appealing on the eye!"

We all laughed.

"Nah, serious. She's having to shadow me for the rest of the term and we proper get along. She loves sports and she loves kids. I'm not one to mix my work and pleasure but if she keeps ticking all these boxes I just may have to."

"Have you seen her outside of work?" Javon asked.

"Nah. I was going to ask but she's literally spent the whole week with me from 8-4 so I thought maybe it would be a bit too much. But I'm due to ask her out." Ethan said.

"Look at E ready for baby number FOUR!" Dimitri said as he hit the golf ball making us all laugh.

"Nah nah nah, I'm taking this one real slow." Ethan said.

"Ethan? Do you know what slow is?" Javon said.

We all laughed again.

"It's true. Three kids and you're thirty. You don't know slow." I added.

"Man shut up. So what's new with the rest of you? I'm tired of talking about me." He said.

"Man... let me tell you. I think my temp receptionist is trying to make a move on me." Javon said.

We all looked at him.

"What?" I said very surprised.

Javon told us about the day the new girl started and what went down.

Dimitri burst out laughing.

"Does she not know who your wife is?" Dimitri asked.

We all started laughing. Paige was a beast. Considering she was like 5" she was always fighting. From school days she was a fighter. When her and Javon got together and girls tried it she would square up with them ready to fight. Although she's aged and matured, she's still a fighter.

"Well, since then she's been calm. But I'll catch her staring at me every so often when I go to the reception desk. I don't pay her no mind. Whatever she wants or thinks she wants she needs to want it with someone else." Javon said shaking his head.

"So what about you D? Any ladies you preying on."

"Welllll... now that you mention it. There's one lady I'm going to see again on Monday. Shes hot, but her loud mouth is too much. I think it's a front; we shall see." He said rubbing his hands like birdman.

"So what about you A?" Ethan asked.

"Maaaannn!! I got this feeling. Call it a brothers intuition. Something isn't right. Check it, so Gi wants a baby. I'm all for it but you know me, you know how my parents raised me; no baby out of wedlock. I've told Gi this, yet she been stalling. I've given her full control of the wedding with no spending limit. I don't know about you guys but that should make any girl jump to the chance. She ain't jumping. Then... I come home one night and I brush past her pill box and it drops on the floor. The pills fall out and I'm looking and she ain't been taking them. So I question her and she starts going off on one. So now I'm like cool you ain't trying to take them, we're using condoms..."

"Aaahhhhhh" Dimitri said.

"Woahhh" Ethan said.

"You used the C word? On your fiancé?" Javon said.

I shook my head.

"Look, she ain't getting pregnant by me before the wedding! So now she's acting up. She ain't talking to me. She coming home late. We arguing. She comes in the bed and sleeps as close to the end of the bed away from me. I go to pull her in she pushes me away. When I try to talk to her she ain't trying to hear me. I just feel this isn't just about me not wanting a baby before marriage because if it was she would just hurry up and let us get married!"

"She's cheating." Ethan said.

"Woah!" Javon said.

"Why you say that?" I asked.

"For start... I've been cheated on. All the signs are there, we are just too busy to see it or we refuse to see it. She wants you to think she's mad at you when really it's the guilt why she can't sleep next to you."

As I'm listening to Ethan I'm thinking is he right? But I shake those thoughts because I'm not keeping her against her will. If she wanted to leave me, as much as I would fight for her initially; if that's what she wanted I would let her go.

"Man don't listen to Ethan! His answer to everything is that she's cheating. Talk to her. I can't stress this enough. Talk to your woman. Really see what's up with her." Javon said.

"I agree with them both." Dimitri said.

"HOW?" We all said.

"Talk to her. You know Gi. If she's cheating when you talk to her you will know. So definitely talk to her. Then you will see she's cheating." Dimitri said

I shook my head at him.

I was definitely going to talk to her though. I needed to know what was really going on with my fiancé.

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