12. Javon

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Despite Alana not trying anything funny since I dropped her home, I'd rather not have her as my assistant. Every so often when I come out to the main office she will wink at me or smile in what I think she believes is "seductive".

I'm just not interested. For more than one reason. One - I'm married... happily married at that. Two - SOME females can and will lie just so they can put you in a compromising position and it will be the guy who will be accused, even when he's done nothing wrong. Three - I don't want my work being compromised and me end up losing my job for doing nothing wrong! I've worked far too hard to get to where I am and I'll be damned if some temp will jeopardise that.

So when I saw Sarah was by herself I decided to go and speak with her.

"Hey Sarah."

"Hey Dr."

"Any chance we can get another temp or one of you girls could swap with Alana?"

"Erm.. she was the only temp. None of the other girls would. I would but as well as keeping control of things here it will be a lot for me. Is something wrong?"

"Erm, just not sure if Alana is up to it."

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know. Sometimes she can be a bit slow. Maybe things going on outside of work. I did hear her having an argument with her boyfriend and she seemed pretty upset." I said to Sarah hoping that would be enough to change her mind.



"Well that's odd."


"The other day me and the girls took the bus home as we do and she came with us. She said she was single and has been for a few years."

I couldn't believe it.

"Bus? Doesn't she drive?"

"Nope. I'm pretty sure she doesn't because when we was talking about driving she said now she's working she will try to do her driving test."

I was hoping my facial expression wasn't giving away much but I was absolutely flabbergasted.

"Oh my mistake then. Well I'll see how things go this week."

"Yeah, remember it was her first week. Just see how this week goes."

"Yeah I will."

I went back to my room and I tried to make sense from nonsense.
She doesn't have a boyfriend and she doesn't have a car. So, the time I dropped her home... she did this on purpose?
I began to laugh. There's no way this girl could have done all of that!

The rest of the day was a blurr. In fact, I stayed stuck on what Sarah said and me putting two and two together and getting four.

I was so glad when six thirty arrived and I was able to go home. I even went out the back to avoid bumping into her.

Once home I was still thinking about what I had been told and I decided it was time I told my wife. As crazy as she is she also has a level head... sometimes.

"Okay... spill." She said as she walked into the bedroom.


"You've been walking around with your face in a frown for the whole evening. You barely payed Paris any attention. So it's clear something is wrong. What's up?"

"You know me too well. I planned on telling you today anyway. But I'm going to need Paige the level headed peacemaker not Paige the terminator." I told her.

She laughed.

"Okay... what's up?"

I told Paige about the temp and me dropping her home - why I did it and what happened in me doing so. I then told her about the conversation Sarah and I had today and my conclusion on all of this.

"... you know me babe, I show no interest to females. I don't need to, I don't want to. I have my family here." I said.

Paige sat there.

"Okay... level headed peacemaker Paige is here like you asked. Your problem is you're too nice. It will be taken the wrong way. I'm glad you told me though. Because now I'm aware. I do think you need to get a new assistant. I heard what Sarah said but if they can't get rid of her someone has to swap!"

"You're right. I'll have a word with Sarah again tomorrow."

"Oh no baby. I will."


"I gave you peacemaker. That's what you wanted. It still don't mean the terminator ain't going to make an appearance. This little girl has messed with the wrong persons husband. And she's going to find out just who Paige Harrison is and what I'm about. Pregnant or not." She said.

I laughed.

This was to be expected. Paige has a short fuse. However, as she is pregnant I'll leave her for tonight, but tomorrow I'll be letting her know she won't be raising her blood pressure for no silly girl.

I said I'll deal with it and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

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