40. Javon

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I feel like this has been the worst week ever. My daughter Paris has been ill and on top of it she's got the chicken pox. To make things worse she's not only given her cold to Paige but also her chicken pox!!

Did you know it's very rare for a woman to have chicken pox and be pregnant? I'm talking 3 in every 1000 women. Yet, here's my wife - with chicken pox. She never had it before so I guess it was a high chance to get it.

Paige has been in and out of hospital and I've been unable to work due to the chance of me passing it on to my patients. Plus I need to be able to look after Paris.

Paige is worried as chicken pox can cause complications. I'll admit I'm worried too but I can't show that.

Just as I thought I could get a little lie-in before my alarm bell aka Paris wakes up my phone starts ringing.


"Hi Javon. So sorry to disturb you but we need your help." Sarah said.

"My help? What's up?"

"I've come to work and the doctors surgery doors have been glued shut!! I can get in!"

I laughed.

"You what?"

"Yep. Not only have they been glued but it's like glue was filled inside the locks because the key can't go in either!"

"Who the hell would lock a doctors surgery?!"

"I don't know. But I don't know what to do!"

"Call Mr Markland and inform him of the situation. I really don't know what to suggest. My daughter is sick. I can't be bringing her out unnecessarily."

"Yeah, okay. I understand. I'll call Mr Markland."

"Okay. Sorry I couldn't be any more use to you." I said before hanging up.

As soon as I came off the phone I heard crying.

No rest for the wicked.

I did my usual checks on Paris; thankfully, her cold was going down. I also got some Caribbean remedies from my mum to help with the chicken pox and it was definitely working where the itching was concerned.

I decided to get us ready so I could drop Paris off to my mums whilst I go and see Paige. Just as I was finished and ready to leave, my phone rang.


"Mr Harrison, it's Mr Markland."

"Good afternoon Mr Markland."

"Sorry to disturb you. I'm aware you're off due to family matters. I'm just calling about today's incident."

"Yeah Sarah called me and told me about it."

"I have installed cameras in the front door just for safety precautions so I will be checking to see who did this but I'm not really expecting it to be no one other than one person..."

I sighed. I had thought of her but it had been a while since her name had been mentioned.


"Yep. There's never been no issues before. Since she's come she's done nothing but caused problems. If it's her I'll be getting her arrested."

"I don't blame you. I just think if it's her and she's doing it because of me why attack the work place which affects everyone else as well."

"Regardless. Whether she's mad at you or not. She shouldn't be doing nothing. To you or the work premises! I'll be getting to the bottom of this. I thought to just let you know."

"Thank you Mr Markland. Be sure to let me know once you've viewed the cctv footage."

"Will do." He said before hanging up.

The reason why I had thought of Alana is because like Mr Markland said before. Nothing has ever happened before and since she's been here so much has gone wrong.

I even felt like I had been followed a few times but shook that feeling as there ended up being no one there.

I grabbed my things and left with Paris hugging me ever so tightly. She didn't want to go grandmas but I couldn't bring her to the hospital with me.

Just as I got to my car I couldn't believe my luck. All four tyres... flat! I looked up to the sky.

"God why?" I said out loud.

I had no time to deal with that right now. I ordered an uber and continued with my day. I called my mechanic and they said they'll deal with it tomorrow. I dropped Paris to my mums then made my way to the hospital.

Checking my letters I came across a piece of paper folded up. I opened it:

"Feel like you're being followed? Feel like someone is behind everything going wrong? Well you are right. It's not over till I say it's over. And it's over when I get what I want. And what I want is you. And you know what it is they say... if I can't have you... no one can."

I could not believe it...

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