62. Dimitri

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February 14th.❤️

"Oh I'm about to cum again." Krystal moans.

"Mmm... yeah that's what I like to hear." I say as I go deeper inside her.

"Mmm... ohhhh myyy gooodddddd!!" She says as she starts shaking uncontrollably.

I follow suit as I feel an almighty electric feeling coming from the tip of my toes all throughout my body.

"Fuck!!" I roar before slumping onto the bed.

After about a minute of catching our breathe Krystal cuddles up in my arms.

"Happy Valentine's Day." She says.

"Happy Valentine's Day babe."

"So what we doing today?"

"Well.. I've booked this restaurant for the evening. But I thought we could have a day of getting to know each other."

Krystal looked up to me.

"You think we don't?"

"We do. But there's always more. Besides. There are some things we don't know about each other. We've briefly spoken about our family but not gone into too much detail. Besides if we're going to do this relationship thing properly then I want to know everything about my girl. The good the bad and the ugly."

"Hmmm... you have a point. But we could have done this in England. Why did we have to come to Italy?"

"Oh... well that's the surprise. Come on."

"Where we going?"

"To shower then breakfast."

"We're going to shower? Together?"


"Boy you know that ain't going to work."

"That's the whole idea. Come on fatty!"

"Oh you ain't getting none of this if you keep calling me fatty!" She pouted.

I laughed.

"Okay. Cmon big mama."

"Okay I can work with that." She said as I took her hand and headed to the bathroom.

Two hours later we was eating breakfast on our balcony. We had our own little buffet, which I knew would make Krystal happy because her appetite had tripled since being pregnant.

"This food is delicious!" She says with her face full of pancakes and bacon.

"I'm glad you're enjoying." I said smiling.

After breakfast we headed out to start our day. I had my doubts about the weather in Italy but luckily it was warm with blue sky's and a light breeze.

We had taken a 'bike taxi' from our hotel to the secret location of what our day consisted of.

"Oh my gad! Please don't tell me you have us going on this boat!" Krystal said.

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