73. Javon

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"The way you're going you're trying to make baby number 3!" Paige said as we both laid there breathless.

"Would that be such a bad thing?"


"Remember I said I want a football team?!"

"I know I know. But it's hard, you know. With Jermaine..."

"Hey. What's brought this on?"

"Cmon Jay... tell me it's not hard."

"Okay so Jermaine needs a bit more attention. But we have got this. I don't leave you to do it on your own. Do I?"



"And then there's Paris. She's not easy to deal with either! She's always been spoilt. I know she acts up because she sees when we have to deal with Jermaine." Paige adds.

"Hmmm.. so you're saying no more kids? Ever?"

"I don't know. I don't want to say that but..."

"Okay... what about we wait? If we wait for Jermaine to be a bit older. He will be just like any other child that has asthma. Then Paris will be even older. I know deep down she will want to help with the babies. Plus I'm officially out of the office and only dealing with patients at home. So I will be around more. Money will be better too. Look, I know it's a lot and I ain't forcing you to do nothing you don't want to. But let's not eliminate it completely. I got you. Okay?"

"Okay... but what if we have another baby that has breathing problems?"

"We won't. We know why this has happened to Jermaine. That won't be happening again. Furthermore... we should be getting ready. The fact they have called this court hearing has me on edge but I'm just hoping she hasn't decided to pull anymore tricks from her sleeve."

"If she knows what's good for her. She won't." Paige said.

A few hours later and we was inside the court. We even slipped in hoping she wouldn't turn around and see us.

"So this hearing has been called in due to some early findings from Alana Baxter's time at the psych ward. You wouldn't believe what it is?" Our solicitor said before walking off to his seat.

"This is Dr Amy and she has been having daily sessions with Miss Alana Baxter. Could you please tell us of your findings." Samson asked.

"Yes... well, as much as I believe Alana does need help. I also believe she is very much aware of what she has done. She's admitted to things which makes me question if she pleaded the case of insanity just to insure she wouldn't go to jail."

"Objection your honour! Speculation!"

"Mrs Amy. Could you state facts only."

"Alana is not insane. She's angry, she feels she's owed things due to her past life. But she is very clever. Cleverer than everyone gives her credit for. As much as I agree she needs help I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing I approved her to go out into the outside world. No one knows what she's really capable of other than Alana. Had insanity not been pleaded she would have had a sentence. I believe she needs a custodial sentencing as well as frequent sessions with myself."

"I don't want no sessions with you! You stupid bitch! I told you things in confidence and now you've opened your big mouth. Considering you know what I'm capable of it's stupid that you would still feel the need to open your big mouth!" She said.

"Order! Order! Well, with all that being said and your little episode I do believe that sentencing should be reassessed. For the mean time I want her moved to a different institution to Dr Amy. Then we will assess exactly how much time she will do there and how much time she will do in prison. But rest assured Miss Alana Baxter, you will be going to jail. Courts adjourned!" The judge said.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!!" She said as she was taken away.

Samson walks towards us.

"I'm going to allow her three months in the psych ward then jail time. I'm going for the longest I can go for which is 25 years."

"Twenty five?" Paige said.

"Yes Paige. Attempted murder? And the fact there's proof that your son has been left permanently at fault, I don't think the judge will be lenient."

"Thank you so much Samson! You don't know how much this means to me. To us!" I said.

"No, thank you! Thank you for letting me take this case. This is what I live for. The victims getting a great result. Well, if you'll excuse me the war isn't over yet. I've got a few more bombs to drop!" He said as he left.

"Did you hear that babe?" I said to Paige.

"Yeah. It's over.. it's finally over. She's gone. I'm glad too because I'm way too cute for jail." She said.

We both laughed then embraced in a long kiss...

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