58. Dimitri

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"The fact you're telling me you want us to meet this girl must really mean something. I hope you aren't just with her because she's pregnant." My mum said.

"Come on mum. Does that seem like something I would do?"

"True. Well, let me know when. I'll gather the troops and do a big feast. I can't believe my first born finally settling down. Between your business and this I'm very proud of you son." My mum said.

I smiled. I was a real mummy's boy. So for her to say that had me smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

"Thanks mum. Anyway I got to go and get Krystal then go to Ethan's mums house."

"Okay tell everyone I said hi." Mum said as I left.

On the way to picking up Krystal I smiled at how great life was. I was going to be a father! I never knew how good this feeling would have felt. What's even better is, it's not with someone like Roxanne or Sabrina. It's with Krystal - the girl I want to be with.

Krystal has even moved in with me. Yes, my new place is our new place. I changed my number. New beginnings and fresh starts.

I know the guys were going to give me hell because I haven't told them that me and Krystal even got back together let alone that she's pregnant. So when they see me turn up with her I know they will be shocked.

"Hurry up fatty!!" I said to Krystal as she came out of our house.

"I'll give you a fat lip and we'll see who's the fatty!" She said as she got in the car.

I laughed.

"You need to get rid of this gangster shit! You might pass it down to the baby!"

"This baby is gangster! No questions!"

I just laughed. You can take the girl out of the hood...

When we got to Ethan's mums house Ethan opened the door.

"Yooooo!! Oh? You have a guest. Hello... you must be Miss Krystal." Ethan said.

I swear I could have punched him.

"You really calling me Miss Krystal to your home boys?" She said then laughed. "Hello, please just call me Krystal. Also can I use the bathroom. My bladder has no control." She said rubbing her small but noticeable stomach.

Ethan's eyes widened even more.

"Yeah sure. It's this way..." he said not taking his eyes off of me.

I couldn't help but laugh. I waited for Krystal to come out of the toilet then we went and said hello to everyone.

Ethan and Javon were posted like the school kids I once knew them to be as if I had just moved to a girl and got her number and they were excited for me.

"Hey guys. This is Krystal. My girl..." as I said that Paige looked up.

"Girl? You? Dimitri?"

"Ha! Thanks sis!" I said sarcastically.

I was glad to see her if I was honest.

"Yes. This is my girl, Krystal. Krystal this is Ethan who you met at the door. This is Javon and his wife Paige." I saw her look at me and cut her eye.

But I didn't care. They were husband and wife and they would get through this.

"Nice to meet you guys."

"Aye, sis. You reckon you could make a new friend. This one needs all the practice she can get." I said.

Paige smiled.

"That I can see. Congratulations to you both. Cmon girl, let's leave them to it." She said.

I was glad she was willing to make friends with Krystal. Paige is not friendly sometimes!

"Where's Aaron?" Javon asked.

"He's running late. Said something about him bringing a girl and that he was going to get her first." Ethan said.

"A girl?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Ethan said.

Krystal messaged me asking me to come over to where she was so I did.

"What's up?"

"Yo girl left me with her baby!" She said panicking.

I laughed.

"Where did she go?"


"So why you panicking? If Paige didn't think you was capable of looking after Jermaine she wouldn't have left him with you. Besides he's sleeping."

"Yeah but he's breathing so heavy! Why?!"

"Erm, he was born like that unfortunately. Just keep him upright like that." I said.

I stayed until Paige came back.

"Everything okay?" Paige asked.

"Yeah. She just panicked. Was worried about his breathing."

"Ohhh, sorry girl. I knew I wouldn't have been that long." Paige said as she took Jermaine back.

"Right I'll leave you guys to it."

As I walked back Javon came over.

"Is it get pregnant season or what?" He asked.

"What you on about?"

"Aaron walked in with this girl and she's pregnant!"

"Wait? He has a girl AND she's pregnant?!"

"Remember that Amber broad he told us about?"

"Yeah yeah... it's her?"

"Yeah fam! Come!" Javon said.

I laughed. I walked over like I was none the wiser.

"You finally made it then." I said to Aaron.

"Yeah sorry I had to get Amber. Come let me introduce you."

Unfortunately when I walked over and saw the pregnant lady I didn't need an introduction. I knew her.

Damn. Trust Aaron to bring a girl I've slept with before...

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