4. Javon

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As soon as I arrived home I noticed how quiet the house was. I went upstairs to see Paige and Paris sleeping. I just smiled. I decided to leave them and go watch the football downstairs.

I must have dosed off because when I woke up I had Paris climbing all over me.

"Daddy. Daddy!" She says.

"Hello my little munchkin!!" I said as I hugged her, tickled her and blew raspberry on her stomach and neck.

She was screaming with laughter. This always made my day; the sound of Paris laughing.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one that missed you." Paige said as she stood at the door looking as beautiful as ever.

As usual she was in one of my big t-shirts. I love that looked on her.

"So why you not climbing all over me like Paris did then?" I said making us both laugh.

"Careful now, you might just start something."

"Oh I intend to." I said and winked at my wife.

"Oh you gonna have to wait until this one goes to sleep later!" Paige said talking about Paris.

I pouted and Paige kissed my lips.

"MY DADDY!!" Paris said.

We both laughed. This girl was so jealous.

"You going to have to nip that in the bud because when another baby arrives she won't want to share her daddy."

"Another baby? You want another one."

"Yeah. Don't you?"

"Yeah! We just hadn't discussed it. To be honest I want me a football team."

Paige laughed.

"I don't know about football team but I'm glad you are happy for another, because I'm pregnant." Paige said with a huge smile.

"What? You're kidding. Don't be kidding, because I'm about to get real excited."

"I'm not kidding! I found out over the weekend and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow."

"I'm going to be a daddy again?"


"You've made me the happiest man alive." I said as I started kissing Paige's stomach. But of course Miss Paris and her jealous self started to intervene.

"No! My Daddy!" She said then started crying.

"Lord, deal with your spoilt baby, whilst I go cook dinner. And remember, just like before..."

"We tell no one until we know the gender. I got you baby."

Paige smiled as she went into the kitchen.

"Did you hear that P? You're going to be a big sister! That's right! What do you want to have? A baby brother? Or a baby sister?"

Paris just looked at me and laughed. She has absolutely no idea how happy I am. But in due time she would.

This was what I always wanted. A wife, kids and a place we can call our home. Paige is my best friend. She has been since secondary school. We got together ten years ago and we've been happy ever since. Got married five years ago and had Paris three years ago. I'm living a happy and stress free life that a lot of people wish they had. Now another baby to our family and both of us are at a great place in life career wise.

The fact everything was perfect worried me because it either meant I was one of the lucky ones to live such a great life or... a hell of a storm was about to come my way and mess everything up.

I was really really hoping that it would not be the latter. It shouldn't be anyway. I have no bad blood with anyone; so really, what's the worst that could happen?

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