22. Dimitri

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"So, you sexing me and taking me out too? You tryna' be my boyfriend Dimitri Campbell?" Krystal said when we left the cinema.

I laughed.

"If I was trying to be your man; firstly there would be no trying. I would just be your man. Secondly, it's cinema. If I pay for you to go on holiday with me then you may just can call yourself my woman." I told her.

"Oh so this wasn't a date?"

"You know it wasn't. For you to call me some bummy ass nigga because I took you to the local shopping centre that has a cinema."

Krystal started laughing.

"You think you know me?"

"Since we've started fucking, I've spent almost everyday with you whether it's for an hour or the whole day. I know you."

"Oh yeah? So what do I want to do now?"

"Go home and have high sex."

"Go you! So, your house or mine?"

"Neither. I have an early start tomorrow and a lot of driving to do. So I'm going to drop you home and get a good nights sleep." I told her.

She pouted.

As cute as she was I wouldn't be giving in tonight. I take my job serious and when I'm working far out I like to get a good nights sleep. Krystal will wake up in the middle of the night and I'll just feel her sucking on my dick then bam! We're at it. As good as it feels I'm going to have to give that a miss.

"Fine. Guess I'll have to holla Kenan." She said as we got in the car.

"Excuse you?"


"Holla Kenan for what?"

"He's been hitting me up saying he misses my sweetness. And you ain't available soooo..."

"So you're going to fuck Kenan?"

"Do we have a problem?"

I looked at her and had to laugh. She's doing exactly what I would do. If Sabrina wasn't available I'd holla Roxanne and vice versa. But she's a female. She can't do that!

"Not a problem but you think it's okay to be fucking two niggas at the same time?"

"One - I'm not, unless you wanna come over? Two - I stay wrapped with Kenan. Not trying to be no step mom!"

"You're missing the point."

"What's the point?"

"If you're fucking with me, you ain't meant to be fucking no other guy." I said that and felt like a woman.

Is this what my life has come to?

"Ohhhhhh but Sabrina and Roxanne can get fucked by you right?"

"To be honest you take up most my time so I ain't been fucking no one else."

"Mmmmhmmm. Well the whole point of a fuck buddy is whenever I'm horny I can have sex! And I'm horny!"

"Krystal you're always horny!"

"That's true! Ugh! Fine! I won't call Kenan! But I don't care if you're dog tired tomorrow! You better come to mine as soon as yo ass is finished! I've got the role play planned already baby!" She said as I pulled up outside her house.

"Ite Krystal. I'll see you later." I said.

She laughed.

"It's cute you know..."

"What is?"

"That you're feeling me but trying to act like you ain't."

"What the hell you talking about?"

"If this was just sex... me calling Kenan shouldn't have been a problem. I mean we've only been knowing each other for a month and you gon' all territorial already. FYI I was never going to call Kenan, it was your reaction I was looking for. And I got it. See you later boo." She said as she got out the car.

I laughed.

Did she just do a me on me? Damn.

On the way home I thought about what Krystal was saying. I do care for her. She's cool, good peoples. But I can't like or be with someone like Krystal. She will give me grey hairs before my time.

Speaking of grey hairs Sabrina and Roxanne has been ringing me non stop back to back! They've been moaning that they don't see me no more.

I tell them that I've been working because I'll be damned if I get rid of those two when I know I'm dealing with a female me!

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