66. Dimitri

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"You ready?" I asked Krystal as we pulled up outside my mothers house.


"Okay I must warn you. The two oldest girls out of my four sisters... we don't really see eye to eye. I love them, I got them, I provide for them. But they have bad attitudes. So take whatever they say with a pinch of salt. They're jealous of me. They have always envied me."


"They have issues." I said as we arrived at the front door.

I rang the bell.

Faith opened the door. Faith was born after me. She was the eldest girl child for my mum.

"Ugh. You. Maaaa!! Your favourite is here!" She shouted as she walked away from the door.

I just shook my head. I didn't expect anything less.

"Dimitri!!" Princess said running and hugging me. Princess was the baby out of the girls.

"Hey sis! How you doing?"

"Good! I went to the club the other night. Was Lit!" She said as my mum come down the stairs shaking her head.

"Club? Lit? Mum? Why have you been letting her outside the house?"

"Dimitri I'm grown!!" Princess said.

"You're 18!" I said.

"Boy, leave Prinny alone! It's only because you knew what you was doing at 18."

"Damn right!"

"Well let's thank the lord there's only one Dimitri." Mum said making us laugh.

"And even one is too much." Hope said as her and Faith walked into the kitchen.

"Whatever. Where's Destiny?" I asked.

"I'm here bro bro." She said. I turn around to see her with her dre beats on and her glued to her iPad.

Destiny was always one with the latest gadgets. Phones, iPads, tablets, games consoles, laptops. She was the quietest and in my eyes the most sensible.

"Bro bro? What a traitor." Hope said.

Destiny looked up.

"I'm not in your mood today Hope." She said.

"Okay okay that's enough! Can we just have a day where you lot can all get along? Furthermore Dimitri, I know I raised you better. Are you forgetting something?"


"An introduction!" My mum said before rolling her eyes.

"How are you going to have him do an introduction without us two?" My dad said as him and my brother walked in.

"Look from when I sent you two shop? Did you make the food yourself?" My mum said.

"Woman hush. Hey son." My dad said as we hugged.

"Hey dad. Wassup Dwayne?" I said as I spudded my brother.

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