63. Ethan

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February 14th. ❤️

As I sat across the table from Zaria it was weird how this felt so right. I know, I know but I'm a true believer of following my heart and right now my heart is here with Zaria.

"Why you staring at me like that?" She said taking me out of my thoughts.

"No reason" I said smiling.

"Weirdo. I'm really enjoying myself. I'm really enjoying us. Hopefully this will be for good."

"I don't see why not. But for now. I just want it to be between us. For one, I'm enjoying it. No one in our business and no one dictating to us. And two, I wanna be the one to tell my mum and let her know we've been going strong and that is how it's going to remain. Let's not forget three.. Tamara & Whitney. It's now you will see exactly how they feel about you. I just don't want all of that unnecessary headache. Not right now. Not whilst things are still fresh and new."

"Hmmm I guess you have a point. Okay. I'm cool with that." She said.

I smiled.

Everything in my life was calm right now and I was enjoying it. I looked at my phone to see another text from Michaela.

She's been trying to meet with me outside of work and I've been ignoring her. I thought about it and whatever she wanted to say she could say at work when we are on break or have a free period. So my only other conclusion was that she wanted to try and get back with me. That ship had sailed and I didn't want to be the bad guy. So I thought the longer I ignore her then the easier it would be for her to understand.

Once back home Zaria said she had a surprise for me, so I must wait downstairs whilst she worked her magic in my room.

The doorbell rang which was unusual as I wasn't expecting anyone. Shock and horror filled my face when I see Michaela standing there.

"Erm.. Michaela..."

"Hi Ethan. I don't understand why you refuse to answer my messages. But then I just see you went in with Zaria so I guess that's why."

"How did you know?"

"I been sitting outside your house waiting for you to come back. Seeing as you don't want to answer me I'll just turn up at your door to say what I need to say."

"Look. As you can see... I'm busy. With Zaria. So if you're trying to talk to me so we can get back together, I'm sorry but I've moved on."

Michaela burst out laughing.

"Is that why you have been ignoring me? Because you think the reason I'm contacting you is because I want you back? Oh hell no. I wouldn't want to be with you as it's clear you still have unresolved issues elsewhere."

"Right... so what was the reason for you constantly messaging me then?"

"Well...I thought I'd do the right thing and inform you of something you should know."


"I'm pregnant. But don't worry. You can live happily ever after with Zaria because I have no intentions of keeping it. That's all I had to say. Now you ain't got to worry about me blowing off your phone. You're the father so you have the right to know. But yeah. That's all. Bye." She said before walking towards a car, getting in and driving off.

I stood there gobsmacked.


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