5. Aaron

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As I sat at the table eating my breakfast, Gianna came and sat down staring at me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothingggg..." she sang.

"Uh. Oh. What do you want Gi?"

"Huh? I never said I wanted anything!"

"You don't have to. I'm your fiancé. I know you.
So what's up? What do you want babe?"

"A baby..."

Not this again.


"Yeah I know I know you ain't ready! But I am! Look at Paige and Javon! Look how happy they are! They're married and have a girl! Even Ethan has kids! THREE!!"

"Baby, you know I'm trying to get this promotion to bring more money in for us so we have a better means of income to eventually start a family. And we want to get married next year right? So why don't we focus on having a baby, after the wedding!"

"Hmmm... I guess..."

"You know I'm right babe. Why don't you go have a meeting with the wedding planner. See what she is offering and we'll see if we can set a date. Sooner rather than later yeah?"


"Yes baby. I want you to hurry up and be Mrs Bailey. Then we can have some little Baileys. That sound good to you?"

She smiles.


"Good. Now I got to go to work. I'll be back later. Who loves you?"

"You do."

"Indeed I do!" I said before leaving. 

I was glad I managed to get out of that one. Truth be told I did want kids. But not out of wedlock. This is why I'm always trying to push the wedding. But for someone who has full control and no spending limit she isn't going crazy!

It also bothered me just how much she paid attention to other people and their relationships or situations.

For starters... Javon and his wife have been together for ten years and they never got married or had kids for the first five years. Secondly, my boy Ethan has got to be the unluckiest man there is. Three kids at thirty and he's with none of his children's mothers.

I don't want that life for me. If I'm going to marry you, it means I see myself with you. Forever. Yes, things can go wrong but I feel once we take those vows, our relationship should mean that much more to work hard for and to fight for. It also means we are ready to take that next step.

I feel if we can't be married we shouldn't be having kids. That's my outlook on it. But I know my fiancé does not feel the same and as today is my first day back and the start of the week I decided not to get into an argument with my fiancé as I would like today and the rest of the week to run smoothly.

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