(SERIES) (How is this possible!?) (1) (Assassins X Latino! Female! Reader)

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"trabajarte consola estúpida (work you stupid console)" you said yelling a little bit. Honestly, how many times is your gaming console going to have a panic attack and shut off. Most likely a hundred more times since your console is getting old. Until you replace it, you just have to deal with it's panic attacks and the way that you usually deal with it is by either yelling or cursing at it in either Spanish or English.

"Whatever, I'll just try it again" you said as you walked over to the console and turned it on again after what seemed to be the ten thousandth time, when really, it was only the eight time.

Before you even touched your console, a giant flash of light appeared from your console's power button and somehow affected your ability to move your arm's and leg's. You closed your eyes due to the brightness of the light.

Thuds on your wooden floor were heard and moans of pain were also heard by you. A sudden feeling of sleepiness overtook you and made you pass out on the floor.


You awaken to the most bizarre and frightening sight of men and a couple females passed out on your floor. Your heart rate began to rise and rise until you noticed something similar about all of them. The looked strikingly similar to the assassins from your favorite game franchise, Assassins Creed.

You quickly got up and ran to the kitchen to grab a hidden hand gun underneath your kitchen table to proceed back to the living room, only to find that no one was there. Before you could even go into the room, you felt a hand grab your shoulder causing you to swing around and punch whoever this was. A swift punch was delivered to the face and you firmly held onto your gun and pointed at the people you saw that collapsed on the floor.

Your eyes widened in shock, they did look like the assassins from the games. Same clothes, same facial features, and same... weapons.


One had his bow and arrow in hand, one with two old looking pistols, one with a sword, one had a cane but he presented a hidden blade, one of the females had a dagger in her hand, and all others had a hidden blade shown. You all stood in silence until you said, "speak your names". "I believe you can answer that question first" remarked the one a cane and top hat. "I asked you first, your in my home so you do as I ask" you replied curtly.

"As you wish, I am know as Jacob Frye and this is my twin sister Evie".

"Hello, my name is Connor Kenway".

"I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and this is my sister, Claudia". "Hello" said Claudia.

"Ah-hoy lass, the names Edward Kenway".

"I am known as Aguilar de Nerha".

"I am Leonardo DaVinci".

"Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad".

"I am Arno Dorian".

"Pleasure to meet you, I am Henry Green".

"And I am Malik Al-Sayf".

Even at the first introductions, you were so shocked at the similarities of the characters and even more so since their names were the same in the games. This... is too good to be true. "¿Cómo es esto posible?" you muttered to yourself. "What did you say" asked Altaïr.

"She said 'how is this possible'" said Aguilar. "How do you know what she said" asked Jacob with a raised brow. "I, for one, know Spanish" said Aguilar. "But, your not even real people" you said as you still held your gun firmly. The assassins tensed up and while they had put their weapons away, they looked like they were getting ready to pull them out again at that statement.

"Who are you? A witch" demanded Ezio. "No I'm not, I promise you. My name is (y/n)... (y/n) (l/n)".

"Quite a fetching name for a bella donna (beautiful woman)" said Ezio as he could now realize that you were no witch, rather you were only a young woman. "How did you get here" you asked. They said nothing, only silence was your answer. You sighed, "fine, then get comfortable while I figure this whole thing out". They were a little hesitant when you left, but they dispersed and started wandering around your house, which was a rather nice house.

You first wanted to examine your console's since that was the only thing you had in mind to check out first. Walking in the living room, you see the console's look perfectly fine and no damage whatsoever, not even a scratch.

You only had one more idea that came to mind and that was to check the security cameras that are dispersed all over the house. You go on your laptop that was in the office which was right by the living room. Leonardo, Aguilar, Henry, and Evie were in the room just looking at all the technology in the room. You plopped down on your office chair and started going to the camera footage on your computer.

"What is this... device" asked Leonardo. "It's called a computer, with this software that I'm using right now, I have access to the camera's I have around my house" you said motioning to the computer and one of the security camera's that pointed in the direction of your office. You successfully accessed the footage and only saw the flash of light and nothing more than them appearing on the floor. You sighed.

Just then, a notification popped up on your screen saying that there was movement in your room. Confused, you opened the live footage and saw Ezio and Jacob going through your dresser. "OH HELL NO" you said as jumped up out of the chair and grabbed a flip flop from a pair by the back door and ran upstairs with Aguilar following you.

You slammed the door open and Ezio and Jacob turned around with some of your underwear in their hands. You gasped in disgust and shock and proceeded to beat the shit out of them with your flip flop. "¿Qué diablos están haciendo?" you yelled at them. While they tried covering their heads, Ezio looked over and could see Aguilar standing there at the door not knowing what to do. "What did she, oww, say".

"She asked 'what the fuck are you doing'".

"Get out, get out, GET OUT" you yelled. Ezio and Jacob rushed out of the room and dropped your underwear on the floor. You groaned and picked up the clothes and put them back. "Well, that was certainly unexpected" said Aguilar. "Me disculpo por reaccionar exageradamente así (I apologize for overreacting like this)" you said since you were embarrassed. Aguilar chuckled and said, "No me importa nada, en todo caso, te hace más feroz (I do not care at all, if anything, it makes you more fierce)" he smiled.

You smiled back now that you were getting comfortable with at least one of them. "Gracias (thank you)" you said. You both smiled and proceeded downstairs.

Part two?...

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go hellisfinedean. This took some time but this could be good enough for a part two, but I will leave it up to the person who requested the one shot. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed and remember, if you make a request, make sure you give a plot.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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