(REQUEST) (CROSSOVER) (Assassins Creed + DBH!) (Connor Kenway X Android Connor)

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If you don't know what DBH stands for, it stands for Detroit become human.

The Assassin order still prevailed and some are wanted for crimes. Even in this time, they still fought with their little hidden blades and had their hoods up. Who knew that having their hoods up would conceal their identities so well? No one.

It was even more difficult now that Hank was put in place for tracking down a particular Assassin. His name was unknown and was considered very dangerous. Luckily, Hank had a special set of help from his android, Connor. "Lieutenant Anderson"?

Hank looked up from his burger and saw Connor standing across from him. "What"?

"I think our relationship got off on the wrong foot. We should... forget what happened, and start over. What do you say"? Hank sighed and said, "Look, they sent me a piece of plastic for a partner to find the Assassins, and I'm dealing with it. But if you think we're gonna be buddies, you're as stupid as you look".

Connor put his hands back behind him and started to scan the things in front of him. The burger Hank was eating was enough to make Connor say, "Your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level. You shouldn't eat that".

Hank shrugged and said, "Everybody's gotta die of something". Connor once again tried to strike up conversation. "Is there anything you'd like to know about me".

"Hell no. Well, yea. Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice"?

"Cyberlife Androids are designed to work harmoniously with hunans. Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration".

"Well they fucked up". Just then, Connor's L.E.D turned yellow and he said, "I just got a report of the suspected Assassin. It's a few blocks away. We should go have a look. I'll let you finish your meal. I'll be in the car if you need me". Hank quickly finished his burger and drink and rushed to the car where Connor was waiting. "That Assassins not getting away this time".

Hank started the car and drove off to where Connor said where he was at. They both were being cautious and Hank had determination on his face. He really wanted to get rid of those Assassins. They finally arrived at the destination and got out to the entrance to see it with some fresh dead corpses by the entrance. Hank and Connor went over and when Connor got closer to see the corpses, he was surprised to learn that the corpses were Abstergo agents.

"Lieutenant Anderson, look". Hank got closer and saw the Abstergo symbol on their uniforms. "What was Abstergo doing here anyways"?

"I'm not sure. Let's head inside and see what we can learn". Hank understood and followed Connor who then started scanning the room to find clues. The clues that were found were broken shards of glass, blood, smoke bomb pellets and bullets. "He went this way, stay close to me lieutenant". Hank knew that Connor was being serious and complied with his order. They carefully went through the corridors and up stairs until they reached the roof. "He better not be gone. I'm sick of always losing track of him".

Connor kept moving on the roof top until a smoke bomb was thrown and they both stopped to catch their breath. Once the smoke cleared, Connor saw a tall man holding Hank up against the wall with a blade to his throat. "Stop! Don't hurt him". The Assassin looked over at Connor and pulled out a single handgun.

"Dont you fucking dare" said Hank. The Assassin looked between Connor and Hank to make sure they wouldn't do anything stupid. "Why are you doing this" asked the Assassin.

"Doing what" asked Connor. The Assassins cold voice was a bit horrifying to listen to. "Stopping me from doing my duty".

"Your 'duty' is killing people and causing panic" said Hank. The Assassin shook his head and said, "Our job is to kill Templars and protect the public. Not merciless killing of innocent people".

"Oh yeah? What about the dead people at the entrance and who are the Templars? How do you explain that" said Hank. The Assassin still held his blade to Hanks throat and kept the gun pointed at Connor. "I just had some information lieutenant. The Templars were once an old establishment of powerful men who wanted to help create the perfect world with peace and order. The Assassin's saw this as a bad thing and wanted to stop them. They've been at war for generations but the Templars were thought to be dead for a long time".

"Apparently not" said Hank. The Assassin then said, "That's not true. The Assassin's were protecting the public from the Templars because they wanted to cease control of the world using ancient pieces of technology that can control people". Hank scoffed at this but Connor said, "Hold on lieutenant, I think he's telling the truth. I got more information. The Assassin's were first created in the time of ancient Egypt and at the time, they had to-"

"The shorter version, please" said Hank.

"The Assassin's were first called the hidden ones and actually 'liberated' cities and even tried liberating countries to stop the Templars. There was one 'piece of eden' known as the Apple of eden and the Templars wanted it".

"So what does that have to do with the dead Abstergo agents out front" asked Hank.

"Don't you understand? Abstergo are the Templars". Connor and Hank shared glances at each other but the Assassin still held Connor at gun point and still had the blade at Hanks throat. "Connor, should we trust him"?

"After everything we've learned from him and the proof I have... yes. We can trust him". The Assassin lowered his gun and moved his blade away from Hank. The Assassin moved back to face them. "What's your name"?

"My name is Connor Kenway". Hank chuckled and said, "Well, I'll be damned".

"Is there anything else you can tell us" asked Connor, the Android.

"Only that there is a war between the Assassins and Templars still. Some of us refer it as the 'Invisible War' since no one knows about it".

"What is it the 'Templars' want" asked Hank.

"I already told you. To control the public". Connor, the Android, looked at Hank and said, "Lieutenant, we should listen. We have bigger problems than the Assassins. If the Templars are that big of a problem, then we have to stop them".

"You can't do that alone. Let me and the Assassins help you. We have more information about them than you since our creed has been around for about two thousand years". Connor, the Android, and Hank shared looks and Hank said, "Alright, fine. But for now, were gonna have to say that we couldn't find you and we'll meet again soon".

Connor, the Assassin, nodded and went to the ledge and leapt off the ledge. Connor, the Android, and Hank ran to the edge to see if they could spot him, but he was gone. "Impressive" said Hank.

"Your right. It is impressive".

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go Creatorwaffle. I know requests are taking a long time to be published but please note that I still live with my parents and still have some responsibilities to attend to. If requests take any longer I might require a temporary co writer. Sadly I won't be able to pay the co writer, so I'm hoping who ever accepts the temporary position that they are aware of that.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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