(REQUEST) (The face of a new ally) (Connor Kenway X Reader)

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'This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening' you thought over and over again. You left England to come to Boston in America for finding a precursor sight before the Templars do. Somehow you got mixed up in a trap with other civilians and had no chance of escaping. What's even worse is that they took all your weapons.

The cart that carried you and eight other people silently kept moving threw the city when the people of Boston started throwing object's at the cart. They would throw dirt, wood, bits of glass, rotten food, and anything else that would pack a punch. Most of that stuff didn't really hit you or the others since the cart was surrounded by metal bars.

All hope was gone, nothing could save you now.

The cart stopped and you could only assume that it was the end of the road for you. You've said your final prayers and look to the other people in the cart and saw that they had the same sad expression on their faces as badly as you had it. You patiently waited for the person driving the cart to come out and retrieve you just so you could get your death over with, but nothing happened.


You and all prisoners jolted and all you saw was the red coats fighting a single man. You all watched as he fought off the red coats without receiving a single scratch.

In a single heart beat, he swiftly ended the fight with a slash to the throat and a stab to the chest. The prisoners cringed but you paid it no mind. This unknown man proceeded to the cart and picked the lock to let you guys free.

"Hurry, all of you get out of here before more show up" he said opening the door. The prisoners jumped out and ran back to their homes, but you instead grabbed this unknown man's arm. He darted his head in your direction with a tomahawk in his other hand.

"I'm sorry, but do you know how to get to the Daven port Manor, my father's friend Achilles lives there and he would offer me a place to sleep". His eyes seemed to widen a bit but asked you for reassurance, "how does your father know him"?

"He was a family friend and he's known me since I was a child". There was a moment of silence, until this man started walking off but stopped and motioned for you to follow him. You obeyed and started walking.

The walk to the place was long, quiet and awkward. You wanted to know who he was but the awkward atmosphere was paralyzing your ability to speak. After what seemed like days of walking, even though it was just 3 hours, you all arrive at the large brick manor. You were cold, tired, and hungry.

This still unknown man proceeded inside the door but held it open for you. "Evening Connor. Who have you brought with you" asked who you knew right away was Achilles. You smiled widely but this man, who's name is apparently Connor, said, "she says that you know her and that you may provide a roof under her head".

Achilles looked to you and you said, "Hello Achilles, I don't know if you remember me, but you were a family friend, you were close friends with my father, Nicholas (l/n)". He smiled in delight, "my goodness. Look how much you've grown (y/n). *chuckles*, seems like yesterday you were only five years of age when you would go out by the lake and skip rocks" he said.

"I still do, but anyways, I was hoping that maybe I would be able to stay here until I find a more permanent place to live". Achilles smiled and said, "stay as long as you please but first you must be starved. Come, eat."

You follow him to the kitchen to eat but Connor went upstairs to do whatever. "Achilles, if I may ask, who is he exactly"? "His name is Connor, I trained him to be an assassin and he may be silent at times but he is an honest man".

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