(REQUEST) (Just go to bed already!) (Altaïr X Child! Reader)

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It was night time and you had no desire to sleep. But it was just that you were getting hyper. You and your two oldest brothers were hyped up from when Malik left out the sugar on the table. "Tag, your it". Your brother Sef just tagged you and now he and Darim were running away from you laughing. You smiled and ran after them.


You were hoisted up in the air by your father and two other Assassins hoisted your brother's off the ground. "Daddy, put me down" you whined.

"Sorry love, but it's late and you three need to rest now". You started to squirm in his grasp but he and the two Assassins carried you three to your shared room. "But dad, I'm not tired" you all said at the time.

"I know. But it's very late and your mother is busy right now so she wanted me to put you three to bed". You and your brother's were put on your beds and the two Assassins left. But you had another idea in mind. Altaïr was attending to your brother's and when he walked to your bed, you were gone.

He immediately started to panic and ran out of the room to look for you. You were hiding in a small shaft upstairs and Altaïr ran right past you from underneath. You smiled mischievously and got out of your spot and were about to run to a different spot but...

"Found you".

You looked over your shoulder and saw your dad smiling but he gave off that vibe that he was already starting to get annoyed. "(Y/n), you need to rest".

"But I don't want to. I'm not even tired".

"I understand, but you can't stay up late".


"Remember what happened last time"?

You shook your head. "You got so hyper and you ran out of the city limits and when me and the Assassins found you, you were upside down in a tree pretending to be a bat". You immediately smiled since the memory came back to mind.

"Now, it's time for bed (y/n)". You sighed and let him carry you to your room. When he reached it, he set you down for one moment and you just made a run for it and he didn't even notice. You took your chance and you went in his room to hide. You just wanted to play to ware out all the energy you had left. This was just one tactic. You had sooo many more to use. Like running around the training grounds or climbing the tree's and pretending to be a bat.

You decided to run to the training grounds and started to run around with a stick you had found. Swinging it all around, you tried to imitate what you saw the assassins do when they were training. A distant call from your dad was heard and it was directed at you.


You turned around and dropped your stick and ran for it. Just in time before your dad could see you. You ran out the entrance and made your way down the dirt walk way to the the village and saw that there was still people out but not that many. You spotted three kids playing together and you wanted to play with them. You ran over to them and they imeaditly saw you.

"Hello! Can I play with you guys" you asked nicely. The three children exchanged glances and came to an agreement. "Sure, as long as you can keep up with us".

You slightly laughed and said "not a problem". They all smiled and all ran off to play tag.

"Your it".

You smiled and started to chase the kids to tag them one of them. They turned round a corner to an alley between homes to a slanted hill going down. You kept running towards them and tagged one of them.

"Your to slow" you laughed and started running away. You ran out the alley and down the dirt road to the main part of the village. You kept running but you didn't hear the kids running footsteps behind you.

You ran but tripped over something. You fell to the ground hard and it caused you to create tears in your eyes. You stood up and saw what caused you to fall.

It was a dead body.

You gasped but heard footsteps coming towards you. You instantly turned around and saw a shadow of a man coming towards you. You backed away but tripped over the body again and started to crawl away.

This shadow pulled out a sword and held it threatingly to you. "NO, DADDY HELP ME"!

This shadow raised his sword to slash you but...

Another clash of metal and this shadow man fell lifeless. You screamed out of fear and felt two arms pick you up which caused you thrash. "(Y/n), relax, it's only me". You tried looking behind you but he made your body face you and you saw that it was indeed your father.

You hugged him tightly and he returned that embrace and gave you a kiss on your forehead to soothe you. "Daddy, I'm scared".

"It's alright, I'm here now but don't you ever run off like that again. You had me worried to death. What would I have done if you have perished"? You didn't say anything but you nuzzled into him since it was a little bit chilly outside.

"Let's get you home, you need your rest now".


Altaïr had carried you home and told all the assassins to suspend the search for you. The assassins smiled since they could tell that you just wanted to play. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Your dad brought you back to your room with your two brothers fast asleep already. He pulled back the covers and laid you down on the bed. "Daddy, can we play together tomorrow"?

He looked to you and smiled and pressed a kiss to your cheeks. "Tomorrow my love", he covered you up with the covers and walked towards the door but stopped to face you. "Good night my sweet little thing" and he then closed the door.

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go -dreran. This one was a little bit more simpler but it's now completed. I'm proud of myself for how well this book is doing and I still can't thank you guys enough for reading my dumb one shots book and also that this book reached 3,000 reads.

 I'm proud of myself for how well this book is doing and I still can't thank you guys enough for reading my dumb one shots book and also that this book reached 3,000 reads

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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