(How to hunt) (My little fawn) (2) (Connor Kenway X Child Reader!)

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Connor Kenway.

The master Assassin of the colonial times and a very deadly Assassin. Connor had some moments of extreme anger and some moments where he wasn't sure what to respond with. He wasn't exactly a man who understood sarcasm and was someone who could easily hurt someone or possibly kill them if he needed to. That was, until he found you. It had been two months since he found you in the frontier with your very injured leg. During that time, he had no idea how to take care of a child, but he was trying.

You were well behaved for the most part, but when you could walk again, you were always full of energy. You would jump all around, run everywhere and play with the dog outside. Connor felt a little stressed with all your energy. It did distract him from all those questions about his father and how things could've been different but this was something new to think about. You were his responsibility and he has no idea on how to raise you. He would sit back and watch you play with the dog. It would bring a smile to his face to see you happy but he still didn't know what to do.

On this damp morning, the sun was barely seen but you were already awake and excited. Today was the day that Connor would teach you how to hunt. He would not teach how to bears or deer yet, this lesson was about animal prints and tracking. You ran into his room and saw him still asleep. You jumped up onto the bed and started jumping up and down. "Connor! Connor! Wake up! Wake up"! Connors eyes snapped open and he immediately was tensed up and scared if you were hurt or scared. "(Y/n), what's wrong" he asked as he sat up.

"You said you would teach me to track and hunt today! Come on! Let's go"! Connor smiled and lifted you off of his lap. "I know your anxious but you need to eat and get dressed first. Then we will head out to the frontier". You gave a pouty face but knowing Connor, he wouldn't take "no" as an answer so easily. You hopped off of the bed and ran to your room to get dressed. Connor smiled and put his robes on and went downstairs to cook for him and you.

He smiled when he heard your rapid footsteps approaching him. Luckily he was finished with cooking and placed the food in front of you. You wasted no time with eating but he kept telling you to slow down. You obeyed but it was very difficult to maintain your excitement and, of course, Connor noticed. When you both finished, you quickly jumped out of your seat and tugged on his arm. "Done! Now come on, come on, come on, come on"!

Connor smiled when you let go of his arm to run to the door and wait for him excitedly. Connor quickly grabbed his weapons while you were jumping up and down in excitement. It warmed his heart to see you so happy to learn something from him. "Patience (Y/n), too much excitement will scare away the animals" he said as he and you walked out the door. You ran over to the horse that was ready to go and still waited for Connor. "But I can't wait, I'm so excited"!

"Yes you can. Now, try to contain your excitement" Connor said as he put the supplies on the back of the horse. Connor then lifted you up and put you on the horse and quickly sped off to the frontier. Connor made sure you wouldn't fall off by holding you close and gripping the reins. The ride took awhile but when you got there, your excitement was getting rowdy again. Connor got off the horse and gently lifted you off and put you down. "Come on Connor, let's go".

"Shhhh, quiet now. Let's get started".

Connor led you near the stream and began to speak. "Your first task is tracking. I will show you how it's done and then you will try".


"Now" Connor had you look to the moist dirt, "Do you see these tracks"?


"These are still fresh and the water is a still a bit warm. These are deer tracks".

"How do you know these are deer tracks"?

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