(REQUEST) (I'll take her place) (Arno Dorian X Child! Reader)

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Were born, we live and when our time comes we die. For some, our time of death comes early. Either in as murder, suicide, a medical way or even by unknown causes. For your mother, Elise De Le Serre, she was killed by her own master. You found out when news of her death spread. Now you were all alone. She was the only family you had left and now she's gone.

When she came home, she would spend all her availability with you making sure you were alright and making sure that the person who watched after you treated you fairly.

You walked through Paris to go to your mothers grave to lay flowers on it. People seemed to ignore you since, for some reason, they didn't find it strange that a small child was alone. Her grave wasn't that far but you had the feeling that you weren't alone.

You reached the cemetery and started looking for her grave. The cemetery was small but it was where Elise is buried with her father. It didn't take awhile but you found Elise's grave and laid the flowers down at the foot of the grave. "Hi mom, I brought these for you". Even though she wasn't with you, you still had that feeling that someone was with you.

"I miss you". Tears spilled from your cheeks and you embraced the grave. "Please come back to me mom". You were sobbing so hard and didn't dare to let go of the grave. The feeling that someone was watching was now too big to ignore.

You turned around and saw a man in a long blue robe with his hood up with a red scarf around his neck and a sword on his belt with other noticeable weapons. He had brown trousers and nice looking boots. You inched back in fear and saw he was carrying a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Easy young one, I am not here to hurt you. Why are you here"?

"My mom was killed and now I have no family". This man seemed confused. He took a closer look at the grave and saw you were mourning over the same person that he came to lay the flowers. "Elise De Le Serre was your mother"?

"Yes, but now I have no family left and I don't know what to do. But, who are you"?

"Arno Dorian. And you are"?

"(Y/n) De Le Serre. Why are you here" you asked standing up.

"I knew Elise. I was with her when she was murdered". You instantly got angry and tried to attack him but he took a hold of your hands to stop the punches. "WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HER, SHE WAS MY MOM".

You stopped trying to attack him and fell to your knees to cry. Arno got down and looked you in the eyes. "There wasn't anything I could've done. Her grandmaster killed her, not me. I promise".

"Why would he do that"?

"He was consumed with power and only cared for advancing the Templar order, not anyone else, not even your mother or anyone else in the order". You didn't want to believe this, it was too overwhelming. "I'm sorry (y/n). But if you'd like, your welcome to stay at my home".

"Why am I welcome there"?

"It's not the smartest thing to leave a child alone on the streets. And besides, we both lost the same person we loved, so we both are grieving. And, I think she would would still want you to be somewhere safe". Arno stood up and gave you the bouquet for you to put on the grave. "Goodbye mom" you said with tears in your eyes.

Arno stood beside you and took you by the shoulders. "Come now, let's go". You both left the cemetery and Arno led you to a carriage. He opened the door up for you and picked you up to put you in the carriage. "We'll be there in a little bit, I promise." You sat down and the door to the carriage was closed.

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