(REQUEST) (A lended helping hand) (Haytham Kenway X Templar! Reader)

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You were assigned to head to America and lend a helping hand to your grand master since he would need a trusted associate along side when he was trying to locate a precursor sight.

It sounded ridiculous but it was an order and you had to follow it. Little did the whole templar order know, was that you had a... uhh... well, a little... uhm... a crush on him. Now don't jump to conclusions. You don't want to jump straight into that whole 'starting a family' stuff, you at least wanted to tell him how you felt for him and hopefully he would feel the same for you. If anything, you had a sneaking suspicion that he did have affections for you.

The reason you thought that was because he asked for you specifically for this mission. Some might say that your crazy if they knew about your crush for him. But who cares, you get to be with him!

The ship hauled anchor and was docked at the New York harbor. The one person you were awaiting for was waiting patiently for you at the harbor. You smiled widely and walked down the walkway. You tried not to go full out excited to see him, so you regained your composure.

"Hello Haytham, it's a pleasure to see you again". "The pleasure's mine for the taking miss (l/n)", he then took your hand and kissed it gently. Your heart was booming and booming at that extreme gentlemen introduction.

"Come, I'll show you where I'm stationed at". He took your arm and safely led you away from the docks to which you both were now in the streets of New York.

The streets were lined with people, animals, and the smell of the smoke. Haytham led you away quickly but gently. He was the perfect man for you.
You both arrive at a building of which you could only assume was an inn.

"We'll both be staying here until we discover the location of the precursor sight". "Is it just you here or are there other Templars" you asked as he led you to a table with a map on top of it.

"The other Templars that are here are also willing to assist me but I asked for you personally since you have more experience in field work". You nodded but you could tell he had another reason. "Well, that, and also because I enjoy your company".



Morning came quicker than expected but either way, you and Haytham had to head into the frontier to hopefully find the location of the precursor sight. You both took your own individual horse and rode onto the dirt path to a location that has been narrowed down. Haytham had some kind of amulet that would hopefully open up whatever was inside.

The ride was peaceful and you were as happy as you could be just because you were with him. "It's so peaceful out here. Perhaps I should invest in some land and build my own cottage" you said. "It does sound remarkable, maybe I could build another, right next to yours" said Haytham.

You blushed madly and continued with your riding. "Alright" said Haytham as he brought his horse to a stop. "The precursor sight should be somewhere in this part of the ridge. Which way do you think we should head first"?

You looked at the map and at the three different paths. "Let's take the first path and see where it leads us first" you said pointing to the path. "Very well then. Follow me and stay close". Haytham rode his horse on the path with you following and the sights began to change with the scenery becoming darker and appearing damp.

The path continued, but a fallen tree was blocking the path. "Wait here", Haytham hoped off his horse and went to see if he could somehow move it but sadly, to no avail, the tree was to heavy to move.

He huffed and had to resort to seeing if the horses would move around it since one side of the path had an edge that went downhill and the other was a natural wall. He pulled the reins on his horse and motioned for you to follow.

Surprisingly the horses had no problem walking on the slanted cliff. Back on the path, something caught your eye, a very large cave. "Haytham, look up ahead"!

Haytham ideed saw what you saw and hoped back on his horse and you both made it to the cave. "Do you think this is it" you asked as you got off the horse. "Well, it would be a good place to check", Haytham walked into the cave with you following close behind since you didn't know what to expect.

Inside the cave was a large metal door with markings on it that almost resemble cave drawings. "This must be it" you said standing next to him. Haytham pulled out the amulet and held it up to the wall. The wall started to send lights in different directions. "It's working" you said excitedly.

But sadly, the lines of light on the wall faded away. "No, NO". Haytham looked upset as he said that and just stared at the wall. "I'm sorry Haytham. But don't worry, we'll figure it out".

He said nothing. "Haytham, are you ok"? He turned around and without warning, he quickly pulled you to him and hugged you tightly. You tensed in surprise but you returned his embrace because you can tell from his body language that he really needed it.

"It's ok Haytham. We'll figure it all out. We just need to head back to the inn and report what we-" you were interrupted by none other than a nice and lovely kiss from him on the lips. Your eyes closed of enjoyment and when he pulled back, he whispered, "forgive me for my abrupt statement but... I love you (y/n)"



He... he has feelings... for you!?

You looked deep into his eyes and could see no lies. Your heart exploded out of happiness and you both kissed again. You could feel the connection forming between you two and it was exhilarating.

The moment had to end and you both headed back to New York. The ride back was filled with conversation and laughter. He told you that he asked for specifically because he wanted to tell you that personally.

Wow! Luck really does exist!

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go Kirstuhhh. This was very challenging and it made me hit writers block ten thousand times. But I finally over came writers block and got this done!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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