(REQUEST) (WHERE IS HE!?) (Desmond Miles X Reader)

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Late at night, your husband decided to do a movie night, just the two of you. You both decided to watch a classic horror movie called Jaws. Let's be honest, you both have seen it thousands of times but you can never beat the classics. The smell of popcorn filled the living room because Desmond wanted to apparently watch more than one movie so he was prepared by having bowls of popcorn on the coffee table, one on your lap and one on his lap.

This made you a little bit mad because who's going to have to clean this up. Probably you since Desmond can get lazy at times but there was no pattern to when he would get so lazy that he wouldn't get out of bed in the morning.

"What movie should we watch next" asked Desmond.

"You pick" you said. He got up and had a particular movie in mind and went to see if it was on the shelf of movies you guys have. "Damn it" he muttered under his breath.

"What's wrong"?

"I thought we had it. Do you know where arachnophobia the movie is"?

"*gasp*, NO, WERE NOT WATCHING THAT MOVIE" you yelled. Desmond jumped at your response but he then quickly remembered that you were terrified of spiders. "Baby, it's just a movie" he said trying to reason with you.


You could tell he wasn't in the mood for this but he accepted defeat and had another movie in mind. "Ok, how bout Jurassic park"?

"Well... ok, but please don't make more popcorn". Desmond loves popcorn, in case you haven't figured it out already. It was the only thing he was able to cook without your help since it was only three instructions. "But popcorn is amazing" he said proudly.

"I know it is, but I don't need you to waste money on buying thirty boxes of it just because we have a movie night".

"HEY, in my defense, I have nothing to back up the beginning of this argument" he said joking. You groaned and just let him pull the movie out to pop it in the DVD player. Once in he hoped back on the couch with you and grabbed the remote.

"Oh shit, were out of soda" said Desmond as he jumped to his feet and went to grab his keys. "Where are you going" you asked.

"I'm gonna go head down to the store, wanna come"?

"Uhm... sure, but your popcorns getting cold". His eye's widened and he grabbed your hand and led you out the door to the car.


Desmond drove the car to your local grocery store and when he parked, he practically leaped out of the car like a leopard jumping to catch it's prey. "Geez, would you relax"?

"I can't, we need to get the mountain dew before someone gets it" he said like a child. He was about to turn around to walk in the store but he looked at you when he realized that you weren't following him. "Aren't you coming"?

"No thanks, I'm just gonna stay here". He nodded his head and started to walk to the store. Since sometimes he takes awhile, you decided to listen to the radio.


It's been at least an hour and you couldn't wait any longer. "What the hell is he doing"? You turned the radio off and locked the car and headed to the store. You walked inside and saw that it was not that active as usual. Probably because it's late at night.

You walked down the snack isle to see if you can your idiot husband but he was nowhere to be found. "Damn it Desmond, where are you"? This whole situation is like losing a child in a store. He acts like a child sometimes but he makes up for it in bed when he's with you.

"Desmond" you called out but not to loudly since your in public. There was no response. You groaned and went to the next isle and looked over and saw Desmond going through the employees only door. "Where the hell is he going"?

You followed him and got down behind a shipment box to peek and see what he was doing. You peeked and saw he was gone. You stood up to go forward but only to have a hand grab you and shove you up against the wall. "Where... is Desmond" asked a man with a deep and scary voice.

"I don't know who your talking about, I swear"! He didn't believe you and presented a hand gun. Tears were pouring down your cheeks and your heart rate was racing. "Tell me where he is, or else, I'll end your disgusting existence".


He gave the look of anger and said, "so be it" and he held the gun to your forehead ready to fire...


His gun was grabbed and the man fired but whoever grabbed the gun made it point towards his head and he was killed in a matter of seconds. You trembled from where you stood and saw that it was Desmond that killed this unknown assailant.

Desmond grabbed you and held you close and you wrapped your arms around him and he comforted you by kissing the top of your head. "I thought I lost you" you said. "You know for a fact you can't lose me. I love you and I will never leave you".


The police showed up and no one was arrested since Desmond was very good at persuasion. The police called it off by saying it was self defense and the paramedics were examining you to make sure you weren't injured or traumatised.

Desmond sat next to you the entire time and made sure you were safe and warm since it was cold outside tonight. "Hey Desmond"?


"Let's just do a movie night on Saturdays instead of Friday's". He thought about it for a moment and said, "sure, I can roll with that". You both smiled and kissed and some of the paramedics saw it and thought it was adorable.

"I love you (y/n)".

"I love you too Desmond".

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go -dreran. Let's be honest, Mountain Dew is a beverage that we all would kill to obtain. My personal favorite is code red and baja blast.

What's your favorite? Let me know in the comments.

By the way, before I forget... the next chapter is a request of three parts. This means three different stories in one chapter. And it's all wrapped around the one thing that makes me cringe... can you guess what it is?

Let me know and we'll see who gets it right.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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