(REQUEST) (Italian Love) (A part 2 of 'You can teach me bella')

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"va bene bella, voglio che tu ripeta dopo di me quando dico alcune parole inglesi. Tutto apposto? (okay beautiful, I want you to repeat after me when I say some English words. Alright?). You smiled at Ezio's words since you seemed eager to want to finally learn english from someone who could correct you properly. "sono pronto", (I'm ready).


"Hello". That was easy, there were only a couple English words you could say with ease, and 'hello' was one of them.

"Good morning".

Now this was a little bit difficult, but you attempted. "G-oo-d... morn-ing". "Corretta", (Correct), he smiled warmly at you which made your cheeks feel heated.

"It's a pleasure to see you again".

Ok, this is getting way more difficult to do. "I-it's a pl-pl- easure to... see you... again". He smiled widely. "Eccellente. Stai migliorando. Continuiamo", (Excellent. You're getting better and better. Let us continue.) You nodded and smiled at him but he decided to say a few choice of words for you to say.

"I love you".

You froze. Your heart was now booming like a hundred grenades going off at once. "Hai bisogno che lo ripeta?", (Do you need me to repeat that) you asked curiously since you knew what he said but you weren't sure if he meant literally or if it was just for you to learn.

He shook his head 'no'. "Lo voglio davvero sul serio. Spero che tu abbia gli stessi sentimenti di me", (I really mean it. I hope you have the same feelings as I do). Your heart was still booming out of happiness since you felt the same way about him.

"Beh ... è stato inaspettato, ma provo lo stesso per te Ezio", (Well... that was unexpected but I feel the same way for you Ezio). Ezio looked at you and started to lean in for a kiss but this sweet moment was interrupted by Ranger barking loudly at the neighbors dog.

"RANGER, STOP BARKING" yelled Benjamin. You both just laughed but you still wished for that kiss to happen. You both jolted to the sound of Crystal screaming which led Ezio and you to race up the stairs to see her in front of her television which was sputtering just like before when Ezio arrived.

"What's happening" asked Ezio. "I don't know, I just came up here and this was happening-"

Crystal was interrupted to the television making the sounds of white noise and somehow pulled Ezio and you into the television. Both you and Ezio screamed but nothing could save you both.


You awaken slowly with some pain on your arm and on your leg. "Bella, are you alright"? You leaped up since you now had your memory back but when your eyes landed on Ezio, the whole room was different. "Where are we"? "The Assassin hideout. We've both seem to be taken back to my hideout".

You looked around and saw no light fixtures, no outlets, and no electrical appliances what so ever. The walls had old paintings from the renaissance era, weapons, a nice fire place, old looking furniture, a couple pigeons in a bird cage and had tables with models of certain objects on top of them.

"Come siamo arrivati ​​qui? Eravamo solo a casa cinque secondi fa, che diavolo è successo?", (How did we get here? We were just at home five seconds ago, what the hell happened?). "I'm not sure but don't worry. I know the city and the country side like the back of my hand".

"EZIO, (Y/N)". That was Crystal's voice. You both looked up and saw Crystal's face in some sort of bubble. "There you are, are you guys alright"? "Crystal, what's happening" asked Ezio. "I don't know, but you somehow got back to your game and for some reason you took (y/n) with you".

Meanwhile, you started to panic. "Grande. Questo è semplicemente fantastico, ora sono bloccato qui senza sapere nulla. Ora sto per morire", (Great. This is just great, now I'm stuck here with no knowledge of anything. Now I'm going to die). Ezio gently took your arm and pulled you towards him. "Bella (Beautiful), your with me, so there's no need to be afraid. Besides, why would I let my love get hurt in any way".

You blushed and smiled at him. Your faces were only six inches from each other as he and you now started to lean in for the kiss you both have been dying for. "EZIO AUDITORE, OPEN THE DOOR NOW". Both of you jolted. "Oh shit, it's the Borgia" said Crystal.

"SEI SERIO!? PERCHÉ QUESTA MERDA MANTIENE ACCADERE"!?, (ARE YOU SERIOUS! WHY DOES THIS SHIT KEEP HAPPENING!?). Ezio chuckled and quickly led you to a corner, "Wait here". He ran to the door and whipped out his sword on his belt and started attacking the Borgia.

You were to sacred to move since you were fearing the worst. You don't know how to fight, you can't perfect English, and you can't even hold the perfect moment for your first kiss with Ezio. "(Y/n)", you looked up at Crystal's face, "I know what your thinking. When he's done fighting, go for it. Go kiss that man and tell him you love him since your practically begging for it at this point".

You gave her the death glare since it almost sounded like she was mocking you. "(Y/n) I'm serious. You love him, right"? You nodded. "Then do what I said and I promise that he'll appreciate it too". "Alright... but please... leave".

"Alright and don't worry, I'm still working on getting you guys out". Her bubble then faded and she now vanished. "Bella"? You whipped your head and saw Ezio putting his sword back on his belt. "Are you alright"?

Without thinking you quickly pulled Ezio to you and pressed your lips to his. He tensed at first but relaxed and held you gently. You pulled back a little and said "ti amo", (I love you). "ti amo anch'io", (I love you too). You both kissed again and you could feel your heart booming and could hear his as well but it was faintly.

Nothing can tear you both apart... nothing.

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go -dreran. This was extremely difficult to pull off. I literally feel like I survived from a train derailment. It took forever and made me hit writers block ten thousand times. But it's done.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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