(Abandoned very young) (Jacob Frye X Baby! Reader)

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Try not to judge too harshly at my second X Baby! Reader...

Child labor was getting worse and worse by the day. It's come to the point where people would abandon their children at young ages, like at the age of four or five. But never as young as you were. You were only four months old! Four months! You were abandoned in an alley way inside of a basket with only a thin blanket drapped over you.

The cold air caressed your skin as you cried out helplessly for warmth and help. No one stopped to help you and just carried on. "Well well well, look what we found". The blanket was pulled back to reveal you shivering and still crying. You saw two men with red attire with some black. One of them took a hold of you forcefully and both had a disgusted look on both their faces.

"What should we do with this little piece of trash"? The other man seemed to think for a second but an evil grin spread out across his face. "Throw her over the bridge. No one will care". The man that held you laughed and put you back in the basket and took it to Lambeth Bridge. It was only a block away and no one seemed to suspect blighters carrying a basket down the street.

Apparently it's not suspicious.

"Do it".

"Gladly". The blighter took you out and was about to throw you over the edge but a shot fired and the blighter dropped you. You almost hit the ground but someone caught you and you couldn't see who it was. "How dare you try and kill a child"!

"Why not? It's useless". The person who caught you moved swiftly and you couldn't see what he was doing but it in involved motion with his arm. You cried due to the uncomfortable position you were held by but since you can't talk, all you can do is cry.

The person who caught you moved the cloth from your face and you saw that it was a man with a top hat and had a short and scruffy beard. You tried to examine his face more but he quickly dodged a hit and he sent out a blade from his wrist. He stabbed the man quick and another person came down and killed the other.

This whole thing was scaring you and you started to cry and tried to hide into the mans chest. He wasn't sure how to react. "Evie, what am I supposed to"?

"Jacob, your holding her wrong". Evie adjusted you in the mans arms and he gave off that vibe that he was nervous. You tried grabbing Jacob's face but since you can't, you started to whine. "Now what's wrong with her" Jacob asked worriedly.

Evie sighed and took a look at you. "She might be hungry". Jacob looked at Evie and tried giving you too her. "What are you doing"?

"Feed her". Evie slapped Jacob in the back of the head and you thought that was hilarious and started laughing. They both saw you laughing and Evie smacked him again. You laughed again and Jacob gave Evie a death glare. "I enjoy her already". You tried grabbing Jacob's face again but all he did was groan and ignored your grabbing gesture. "Now what"?

"We'll take her to miss Nightingale. She'll be able to take her in". Jacob agreed and Evie to hold of a carriage to head to miss Nightingale. Jacob sat inside the carriage to make sure nothing would harm your being. It was going to be awhile until they got there so Evie told Jacob to get comfortable with her because it would take a couple hours. "So you like to laugh at my pain"?

You babbled in response and Jacob took that as 'yes'. "Your lucky your cute" he said. He held out his finger for you to grab and when you grabbed it, Jacob started to wince at the pain. He had no idea just how strong a babies grip can be. "Ow, let go".

You laughed and started to pull his finger which apparently made it more painful for him because he still tried to pry his finger from your grasp. He was surprised at your strength but still tried to pry his finger away. After another minute, he finally got his finger away and shook it to relieve it of the pain. "What are you? Some kind of little warrior"?

You looked up at him and only smiled at him because you didn't understand what he was saying. Jacob couldn't help but take a good look at you. You were so heartwarming and enjoyable. Your laughter made Jacob's heart melt. Your smile made him smile. Your touch was soft compared to his. Jacob caressed your face with his finger and you cooed at him as a way to tell him that that his touch was pleasant.

Jacob could feel a deep feeling of love and joy. He didn't want to lose you. Never. He could see the future in your eyes. It was filled with joy and though it contained hard times, Jacob knew that it was worth it to pursue.


After a long ride to Miss Nightingale's building, Evie got off and Jacob slowly emerged. "I'm amazed that she's still alive. I think Miss Nightingale is still here, let's go". Evie started to go towards the door but stopped and turned around to see Jacob not moving. "Jacob, come on".

"No. I'm not leaving her".

Evie couldn't believe what she just heard her brother say. "What are you talking about"?

"I'm not leaving this poor girl to be left in an orphanage". Evie walked up to him and said, "She can't stay with us, Jacob. She's too young and will be put in danger if she's with us any longer. Look at what happened when we saved her, people were still fighting us. She could get killed".

"What else is there for us to do then, hmn? Just sit around with the occasional kill of blighters when Starick is already dead and when London is already liberated". You looked up at Jacob and saw that he looked mad.

"Think realistically, Jacob. You don't even know how to care for children. When we first found her, you thought I was capable of feeding her when I've never had children before, you imbecile. What's going to happen when she gets older? Are you going to school her? Or even teach her how to walk, talk and be able to understand that-"?

"YES"! Evie jolted at his sudden outburst and it startled you and as a result, you started to cry. Jacob brought you closer to his face to whisper calm words in your ear to soothe you. You started to calm down and Evie was amazed by how well Jacob pulled that off. After a second you stopped crying and held Jacobs hand which didn't hurt that badly for him. "I'm impressed".

Evie looked back at the door and at you and was thinking about something. "I'll take care of her. I don't care how difficult it is but I'll take care of her, with or without your help". Jacob started to walk off but then felt a hand on his shoulder. "No". Jacob looked at Evie and then Evie said, "Your definitely going to need my help". Jacob smiled and hugged Evie tightly. Evie was shocked by this since she can't recall a time when they shared a loving sibling moment.

She hugged back and felt a small hand grab her outfit. She and Jacob pulled back from their embrace and saw you with a hold of Evie's outfit. Evie took your hand in her's and said, "You know Jacob, she needs a name". Jacob understood and Evie said, "What are you going to call her"?

Jacob held you up under your arms and had you face him. Evie got beside Jacob and when you tried to grab Jacob's face, he said, "(Y/n). (Y/n) Frye". Evie smiled and said, "I like that. (Y/n) it is then". Jacob smiled and both twins went back to the carriage to head back to the hideout. They now had a new adventure ahead of them.

One that they felt would be more rewarding and one that was a true blessing.

Author's notes:

Ok, no one requested this. Well, I mean, someone did give me the idea for the character to be Jacob but they didn't say that they wanted that as their request or even the plot. But you get the idea. I'm really glad you guy's enjoy these and I really hope you enjoy the next one shot as well, because, let me tell ya, it's filled with fluff.

Keep a look out for that.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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