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I said that after the one hundredth one shot, the request poll will be reopened. And now that it is, you all know what to do.

But there are two new rules...

For now on, I will no longer be writing lemons or smut. My reason is because it's too cringy for me to write and I generally have a hard time with writing it anyways. I hope this doesn't upset you all but I feel like this is a good decision.

The other rule is that if you make a request and it gets published and you change your username, let me know so I can edit it in the book but if you change your name without telling me, then I won't know and I can't change it. Tell me what your one shot was called and I'll be able to find it faster. If you think you'll forget to tell me then leave a comment on your request.

Last rule... No bullying in the comments!

Also, after this post, I'm publishing the rest of the requests and chapters that will be finished by now. That way anyone who has a request that they're waiting for will be published and any new requests will be published much sooner with no problems of getting the ones before it finished first.

Anyways, requests are open so feel free, bye bye 😊

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