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This will also take a long time to produce since this person literally asked for three lemon's. This is going to be a huge challenge, but I accept. This person asked for a Jacob Frye X shy reader lemon, a Shay Cormac X shy reader lemon, and a wolf Connor X reader lemon.

Warning... smut up ahead...

We'll start off with Jacob...

He was absolutely irresistible

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He was absolutely irresistible. He treated you like a fucking queen but alas, he was gone sometimes and they were mostly because he had to finish his duties. But he makes up for it by giving you loads of pleasure. He was just perfect. His accent, his charm, his handsome features, his overall sexiness and the fact that he can make you laugh in any situation.

You were on his train hideout just talking with Evie and Henry. Jacob was out and he said he would come back later. "(Y/n), you've been really quiet lately, are you alright" asked Evie. "Yea, don't worry about me, I'll be alright".

That was a lie. You were still shy around them when Jacob wasn't with you. Mostly because he understood what you were going through when you were alone without him. He would tease you about that by saying that you would be lost without him. Of course, he wouldn't go too far with the teasers if it started to annoy you.

The train came to a stop at the next station. You never had to worry about the train leaving London because this train loops constantly all around London. So that was a relief. When the train started moving again, you got that feeling that someone was standing behind you. You turned your head around and saw...


You instantly jumped in surprise and since you knew that it was Jacob, you slapped him in the face, to which he went stumbling backwards. "Oi, what was that for"?

"You scared me, that's why"!

"Alright alright, I'm sorry love". He then went in to kiss you on the lips and he leaned in to whisper in your ear saying, "I can tell you want something, and it's all yours for the taking. Come with me". He then carefully led you to the next train car which was his private train car. There was a full bed and doors to lock.

He both stood near the bed and he asked you, "are you ready"? You nodded your head and he took a hold of your shoulders.

Smut starts here...

He took your shoulders and made your shirt slide down and you kicked off your shoes and so did he. He started kissing and nibbling at your neck and you allowed him to continue with this mindless pleasure. He kept up with his nibbles and started unbuckling his gear.

You tried to take your pants off but he did the honor for you by gently tugging them. While he was doing that, you unclipped your bra and tossed it on the floor. He gently pulled ypur underwear down and when it was off, you jumped to him and he caught you to then lay you down on the bed.

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