(SERIES) (Historical fiction) (Frye twins X Modern! Teen! Reader)

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"If only they were real" you said as you turned off your console for the night. You had just finished playing Assassins Creed Syndicate and had school tomorrow. You didn't like school but you had no choice. The only class you semi enjoyed was History since all the Assassins Creed games are historical fiction games. You set your controller down and checked your phone.

12:17 AM

You quickly went to bed since you had to be awake at 6:30. While you were trying to sleep, the atmosphere in the room started to change. It went from subtle to awkward, the temperature went from cool to freezing and your television somehow turned back on. You sat up and stared at it only to see it sputter and shake. This started to freak you out since your television was expensive and when you ran up to it, the screen froze and flashed which made you pass out.

Who knows how long you were passed out for because you were in a new place, for sure. You slowly sat up and saw an unbelievable sight. A city! The air smelled horrid, there were carriages instead of cars and people had a new taste in fashion. "What the hell"? People were giving you odd looks as they walked by and it gained the attention of some men in red clothing. "Well look what we have here? Get her"! You didn't need to be told twice and ran off. You then hear gunshots and thuds but didn't dare to look back.

You eventually ran to train tracks and heard a train coming. It was going a bit slow so you waited until you saw a clearing and ran alongside it to jump on. This was safer than having strange men chase you who were probably going to hurt you. Little did you know that jumping on this train was the best decision you ever made. You ran into a train car only to be grabbed and pushed up against the wall. "Who are you"?

You were about to answer but your eyes widened at who was holding you tightly. "Jacob Frye"!?

"Yes. Now who are you" he asked darkly.

"(Y/n). But... How the hell"-

"What" he asked sternly.

"Your... REAL"!? Jacobs hold on you got stronger and ge got more inquisitive. "What are you talking about"?

"Uhh... Nothing. I'm just... Confused".

"On what? Me or your choice of style". Your eyes widened since you were wearing your pajamas and the fact that he just insulted you. You weren't sure what to say but he slowly let go of you when another person walked into the room. When you looked at who it was, your eyes widened. "Evie Frye"!? Evie looked at you and at Jacob to ask, "Who is she"?

"I don't know. She hopped onto the train. Look at her clothes, are female blighters supposed to dress like this"?

"No. I'm... Very confused. I don't know where I am or how I got here". Jacob and Evie shared glances but Evie took a more subtle approach. "What was the last thing you remember"?

"I was going to sleep and saw that my television was acting up". Jacob looked at you like you were crazy and Evie had an equally confused look. "Television"?

"It's uh... Nothing".

"Should we kill her"?

"No, Jacob! She hasn't done anything wrong".

"She trespassed into our hideout".

"Jacob, that's enough". Evie approached you two and she shoved Jacob away. "What's your name"?


"Forgive me for asking" Jacob asked, "How old are you"?


"Well (Y/n), you may stay here until we get you home-"

"Uhh... That's the thing. I uhh..."

"What? Do you not have a home" Jacob asked.

"Not anymore... I think. But regardless, it's incredible that I get to meet you two". The twins looked at each other and both asked for an explanation.


After an hour of trying to explain to them that they weren't real and Jacob laughing his ass off, it was no surprise that they didn't believe you. "I can prove it. Jacob, when you go see Roth again, he's going to try and kill children".

"We'll see. I go to see him today. We'll see if your telling the truth".


Jacob had Evie follow along with you in a carriage and it came to the time when he had to set explosives to a childrens work building. Before he went to go back to Roth, he asked you, "Is this the instance"?

"I'm not saying anything. You won't believe me anyways". Jacob rolled his eyes and you relaxed back in your seat. Evie sat next you and you both watched Jacob and Roth from a safe distance. Only a couple moments went by and the children were seen going into the building. "See! I told you"! Evie looked shocked and grabbed you by the throat. "Your working for the Templars aren't you"?

"What!? No! I swear"! Evie released your throat and jumped off the carriage. "You stay here". Evie rushed towards the building and got the children out of the back of the building. Just in time before the explosions went off and Jacob rushed into the building to save children only to see that none of them were there. Knowing there was nothing Jacob could do about the building, he rushed back to the train and was processing everything you said up until this point was true.

He finally reached the train hideout and saw you and Evie talking to Henry. "You were telling the truth"?


"If that's the case", Evie said, "Then how are we not real"?

"It's really hard to explain. I wish I could show you so it would be easier to explain". Right as you said that, the whole train car flashed in light and all four of you appeared back in your bedroom. You all stood frozen not knowing what to do or say and the three Assassins turned to you.

"Don't look at me! I didn't do this"!

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go Rebekah_Winchester15. I really hope you like your request because it seemed like you were new to this book. Forgive me if it's not the best but I sincerely did the best of my advantage. Requests?

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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