(Mistress of the seas) (Edward Kenway X Reader)

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If someone asked you to name two facts about yourself, what would you say? You say that you love the ocean and always wanted to explore island's. Whether or not it is was dangerous or not, it was your goal. Actually, it's been your goal ever since you were a child.

The people who knew these facts about you also warned you of the dangers of the stormy sea, the dangerous animals and of course, pirate's. You weren't scared of any of those and you certainly weren't going to let it stop you from accomplishing it.

You did have a boat, but it was used for fishing in the reef, NOT for literal sailing out on the seas. You did have a family relative who had a rather sizeable boat which he used for coasting around the reef and sometimes outside the reef.

He said he doesn't use it anymore but when you ask if you could have it, he said no since it would be dangerous to use it for sailing out on the ocean. You didn't care, your goal has to be accomplished.

So one night you decide to forget all the warnings and steal his boat to head out to finally start your own adventure. You did of course pack necessary provisions and began to sail past the reef. "No one's stopping me".

The first night was calm and peaceful with only the gentle splashing of water and the air swiftly flying by. The smell of the salty air was all relaxing and made you feel accomplished. The next morning you saw no land and no signs of danger. You scoffed, "I knew they were lying".

That night when you were about to sleep, the boat began to sway. You didn't think about it, until you felt what felt like big taps on the side of the boat. You got up and went outside to investigate and see nothing at first, but you swear that you knew that something was causing this.


You jerked your head in the direction of the sound and see a whale tail flip out of the water. It sung it's majestic song but it accidentally caused something else. It got you soaked with water, but you quickly noticed something up ahead.

A ship!

You got excited. Perhaps they were other travelers. Also, perhaps, they could point you in the right direction of nearby island's. You started sailing the boat towards this ship. It looked relatively peaceful from a far, so, there was nothing to worry about. As you got closer, the ship stopped moving and was now ringing bells.

The people on the ship started grabbing weapons and pointing canon's at your boat. You instantly started raising a white flag that was ready at your command to signify that you either meant no harm or that you surrender.

"PLEASE, STOP, I MEAN NO HARM" you screamed while waving your arm's. The ship was right next to you and you heard a loud thud of what sounded like a pair of feet landing on the wooden deck. This unknown person walked towards you and when he came into the light of the lantern, you see him.

A rather sizeable man with blonde hair along with white trousers, black boots as well as a fastened red sash across his waist. His clothes weren't really something you would expect to see on any other person who was a traveler. Regardless, what really caught your attention was the amount of weapons on his person.

"Who are you? What do you want" you asked feebly. "The name's Edward Kenway, captain of the Jackdaw, and your name is...". You were shocked, you heard of the Jackdaw before, but all the same, people spoke of them as fierce and merciless pirate's. "*clears throat*, I asked you a question lass, what's your name".

"Sorry, my name's (y/n) (l/n)".

"What's an innocent lass like yourself doing out here all alone" he asked getting a little bit closer. "I wish to travel new islands and be out on the ocean" you said a little proudly. The crew on the Jackdaw began to laugh along with Edward. "What's so funny" you asked when they started to die down from laughing.

"It's just that this piece of rubbish that you refer as a boat will barely last you a week on the unforgiving sea" said some random crew member. The crew all agreed vocally, then Edward spoke. "Now, I'm not one for taking new crew members aboard our miraculous ship so quickly, but I suspose since you have the same desire as we do, I suggest that you come join me and my crew".

You smiled widely and said, "I would love to, thank you so much". Some of the crew members jumped on your boat and retrieved your belongings. Once everything was taken, Edward decided to get rid of your boat, the old fashioned way. "Take aim" he ordered. The crew aimed canon's at your boat and awaited his signal. Edward looked to you and said, "lass, watch this".

"FIRE". The crew fired multiple shots of canon balls at the boat until it made a huge explosion. The crew cheered and so did you because just seeing that gave you such a rush. "I see you found that to be entertaining, *chuckles*, yes, I think you'll fit in nicely with us" said Edward. "Come. I'll show you to your bunk".

He led you below deck to a small private cabin. "This used to be where we kept the rum, but we just moved it to another section". There was a hammock, a desk, an oil lamp, and a small window. "It's perfect for me", you turned to face him, "thank you". You ran to him to embrace him tightly.

He tensed up at first but returned the embrace. Not gonna lie, you didn't want to let go, but for the sake of trying to regain composure, you released him and so did he. "I shall leave you to rest, I have a lot to teach you tomorrow lass. Goodnight" he said and left the room.

"Goodnight" you said in a whisper but you slumped on the hammock and rethought everything that people told you about the negative things about being on the sea. "They were liars. I'm finally going to do something I actually enjoy".

Who cares what they said, your happy now, so enjoy it. You smile and finally succumb to sleep.

Author's note's:

This was difficult to write but here you go to anyone who loves the blonde pirate Assassin. I personally don't but this was written to keep the book going. Ok, that was a lie, but it's been awhile since I've played his game. I need to go back and play it again sometime.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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