(REQUEST) (The little Templar) (Shay Cormac X Child! Reader)

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Shay Cormac, the traitor. Some argue that he realized the errors of his way and went to a better calling while others say he was a traitor and allowed random assumptions to flood his mind and cloud his judgment. There are many ideas to say he was a bad man but he was actually a good man deep down inside. This was proof.

It had only been a couple of hours after Shay was officially pronounced a Templar and had finished a small mission, he was left with time to himself for the first time in awhile. He wasn't sure what to do so he decided to find Haytham again to see if there was anything else that needed to be done. The only thing he had in mind was to find Haytham again but that thought was cut short when a loud scream was heard.

A childs scream.

Your scream.

Shay put a halt on his small goal and immediately went to investigate the source of the sound. The sound wasn't far away and it didn't take long to find the source. A small girl was being dragged by the hair by a red coat. Shays eyes widened as he dashed to the red coat and quickly killed him. He fell to the ground lifeless but there were other red coats who saw his actions and quickly charged at him. Shay couldn't fight the red coats with you present so he quickly scooped you up and ran away with pistols and muskets being fired his way.

Shay was lucky to have dodged the bullets as he climbed up a building to escape the red coats. You had stopped screaming and felt more relaxed since this man had saved your life. Shay had eventually reached a ledge and saw a hay cart. "Hold on tight, little one". You screamed as he dived right into the hay and when he landed, he held you close to him in such a warm and protecting way. He shushed you so you would be quiet in the nicest and most warming voice you've ever heard.

Through the hay, Shay could see the soilders came running to the source of your scream and he placed a hand over your mouth for precautionary measures, which proved to be successful since the soilders gave up and left the scene. After a few more moments, Shay emerged through the hay with you in his arms. "Are you hurt"? You shook your head and embraced him tightly for comfort since you needed it. "Shay"? Shay whipped around and had the look of worry.

"Master Kenway".

"Whose child is that"? Shay held the child tighter since he could feel the fear you had of Haytham. "The red coats were about to kill her. I wasn't intending on standing by to let it happen". Haytham understood and approached Shay until he was a few feet from him and you. "Very well. Come along, Shay. We'll find her parents" Haytham said as he started to walk off.

"I don't have parents".

Haytham stopped in his tracks and turned to you, still in the arms of Shay. Shay had this vibe of comfort and it was calming for you. "Then who is caring for you"?

"No one". The Templars hearts broke into a million pieces and heard commotion nearby. They looked over and saw that the commotion was coming from the orphanage. The mistress was yelling at the orphans and had a pint in her hand. Both Templars looked at each other and both had the same idea. You were definitely not going there. Haytham was now in deep thought and looked at you as you tried to fall asleep in Shay arms. "Sir"?

Haytham looked to see Shay who was looking at him with confusion. "Bring her with you. We have things to do".


Haytham and Shay ended bringing you back to the ship and while they were talking about what to do next, you were in the captains quarters, sitting on the bed, waiting until they came back. You weren't sure what to think about this whole situation but considering the fact that Shay had saved you, you were more relaxed but you still had no idea what was going on and if you were indeed in good hands. Were they good men? Were they bad men?

They couldn't be bad since one of them saved your life. They way they talked to you, held you and made sure you were alright was enough to say that they were good men. The weapons they carried was a bit of a cause for concern but their actions absolved them of it nonetheless. The door was then opened and both men entered with genuine smiles on their faces. You shuffled closer to the wall and awaited to what they had to say. "(Y/n)? We have some news that you may enjoy to hear".

"If you wish to, you no longer have to stay on the streets. You may live on the ship with us". Both Templars were anxiously awaiting for your response and felt relieved when they saw a huge grin stretch from ear to ear on your face. You jumped from the bed and lept into Haythams arms with a shriek of delight. "Really? I can"?

"Absolutely. I believe it would pain the both of us to leave you at the orphanage" Haytham said as he held you tightly. Both Haytham and Shay had this warm feeling of love and comfort and it was the one thing you had desires for. Both Templars brought you out onto the deck to the helm of the ship. It was there that you met another man who works alongside your new caretakers. His name was Christopher Gist and even offered to watch over you when both Haytham and Shay were absent.

One thing was made clear, two bad men were proven to not be bad on the inside and anyone who wanted to abject to that, cannot be proven wrong after they've seen the acts of heroism they've provided. As Shay was steering the ship back to New York you started to feel tired and you rested your head on Haythams shoulder. His hold on you was a bit tighter and he told Shay to tell the crew members to not sing shanties so it would help you sleep. "I'll return her to your cabin". Shay nodded and Haytham left to do said task. Haytham went inside the cabin and went to the bed to cover you up.

Haytham saw you smiling softly in your sleep and he couldn't help but have a small grin appear. "Rest well my darling". Haytham then leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and left the cabin silently. While you were still falling asleep, you smiled and snuggled into the covers. "I love you both".

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go PandoraVidal. I really hope everyone is doing ok with the pandemic. And also, why are people buying so much toilet paper? The corona virus isn't going to make you shit your pants every ten minutes. There are other people who actually need it. Tne only thing we can do is to stay strong.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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