(REQUEST) (I know better and you should too) (Templar! Shay X Assassin! Reader)

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Everything you do will always have an outcome. It may be pleasant or it may be unpleasant. The point is is that people should know the difference right and wrong. This includes you. But when people leave, especially ones who you were close to, it makes you feel as if your not the right decisions either.

For you, it was two choices.

Join the Templars or stay as an Assassin.

Before you got to that huge decision, one of your closest friends was murdered and before that, she talked about an Assassin who betrayed the creed. His name was Shay Patrick Cormac. He was so close to Hope but you figured that Shay killed her. But she also told you that Shay and the grandmaster killed Kesegowaase and Adewale. Even if they were gone, Liam informed you to always be alert.

Right now, you went out and decided to head to New York for a nice stroll. As busy as usual and you went straight towards the harbor just because you felt like it. While walking, you saw three men standing by. You recognized one of them instantly. Haytham Kenway. You quickly got on top of a roof and overheard their conversation. "(Y/n) has been seen nearby and can't be far from here. Find her, and kill her".

One of the men nodded and started to head off. You took off running to head back to the homestead. You had to get somewhere safe, immediately. Achilles and Liam can protect you, for now. You kept running and running but felt someone tackle you to the ground. Your heart was pounding out of fear and when you were pulled up on your feet, you came face to face with the Assassins killer.

"Shay Cormac". Shay looked deep into your eyes with anger but once he realized how easily controllable you were, he released you. "I feel sorry for you".

"Why" you asked.

"The Assassin's are using you. Yet I bet they told you already that I'm a traitor".

"Yeah. They told me. They even told me that you killed Hope, Kesegowaase and Adewale".

"I had too".


"The Assassin's want control. Have you ever seen the precursor temples? They hold the earth together like roots. You and your fellow Assassin's are going to keep destroying cities if you keep trying to take those artifacts".

"Well... why wouldn't they tell me that".

"Because they're ignorant. They don't realize how fragile these temples are. They want the artifacts for weapons and control". You didn't want to believe this but for hundreds of years, the Assassins would mess around with the pieces of eden and cause problems. Even if their intentions were to protect people, they still fucked things up. "Fine, then I'll go ask them myself". You then walked away with your head up high and went right back to the homestead.

You went through the front door and saw Liam and Achilles talking. Liam saw you and said, "(Y/n), where were you"?

"I was out. But I had some things on my mind that I was hoping you could clarify".

"What is it" asked Achilles.

"I heard about a terrible attack in Lisbon that happened awhile ago. The whole city fell apart and since the manuscript shows that there was a precursor-"

"Who told you this"?

"I ran into Shay Cormac". Liam and Achilles froze and looked at each other and then back to you. "And your still here" asked Liam.


"Why didn't he kill you" asked Achilles. You took offense to that. It sounded like they wanted you to die. "What's that supposed to mean"?

"He's a Templar now. Why didn't he kill you"?

"Answer my question. Since the manuscript showed that there was a precursor sight in Lisbon, were the Assassins responsible for this"? Achilles looked to Liam who looked back. "We weren't aware of the capabilities that it had. We sent Shay to investigate and obtain the piece of eden but we instead got a destroyed city".

"Are you kidding me"!?

"We had no idea it would happen! It's not our fault" said Liam.

"It doesn't matter! We're responsible for this. But let me guess, your going to keep going after the temples, are ya" you asked angrily. Liam and Achilles looked at you and before they knew it, you took your Assassin symbol off your uniform and threw it to the ground and left.

"(Y/n), come back" they yelled after you but you were already gone. You went straight towards the harbor again to see if Shay would be there. It took awhile but you finally made it and awaited to see if Shay would appear. "How'd it go"?

You looked behind you and saw Shay. You sighed deeply and said, "You were right. But their going to do it again and there's nothing I can do about it".

"There is something you can do" he said taking a few steps closer to you.


"Join me. Join the Templars". You gave him a questioning look but did think about the bright side to this offer. You'd be protecting the temples from the Assassins and actually fighting for a worthy cause. "Well... I don't think they'd want me. I just quit the Assassins. You don't think that they'll assume that I'm some sort of spy"?

"They won't. I can speak to the grandmaster and I'm sure he'll accept you".

You smiled at him and said, "Alright. What do I do now"?


You walked into the room with a new set of clothes and other Templars around a table. Shay stood right next to you, smiling at you with warmth and happiness. You took out your sword and placed it on the table. Then the voice of the grandmaster, Haytham Kenway, stood at the end of the table and said, "Do you swear to uphold the principles of our order and all that for which we stand"?

"I do".

"And never to share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work"?

"I do".

"And to do so from now until death- whatever the cost"?

"I do".

"Then we welcome you into our fold, sister. You are now a Templar, harbinger of a New World. May the father of understanding guide us".

"May the father of understanding guide us" you all said. Shay couldn't contain his happiness and came next to you to kiss you. You willing kissed back and didn't care for what the others were thinking. All you cared about was now fighting for a worthy cause.

But now with a handsome Templar by your side.

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go Animelover12785. Shay is hot. I love both the Assassins and Templars. Except Charles Lee. He's ugly as fuck. Do you remember that scene where he's choking Connor when he was a kid? Look at that man's face and say that he's attractive. Because guess what honey, he looks like dog shit. That, and because he hurt Connor. Just a couple reasons why I hate Charles Lee.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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