(REQUEST) (We belong together) (Arno Dorian X Reader)

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During the time of the French revolution, people were more opened to fighting rather than finding a foreseeable outcome and future. Violence mostly won every time because people needed to release their anger first before becoming amenable to reason. People wanted to take their anger out on anything.

You could care less about the fights and violence happening in the city. All you cared about was yourself and whatever friends you had left. It wasn't much but it was enough to keep you sane. Nothing was as true as it seemed anymore. There were lies everywhere and even if people told the truth, other people won't believe them anyways.

Nothing is true.

People would also not care about the law and do whatever they please. Local authorities tried to stop them from thievery, murder, rape, and public disturbance. They weren't that good at stopping them. They mostly handled the bigger problems and let the smaller problems such as theft and assault slip through. There were lots of people who easily got away with small crimes and they had one thing that they all agreed on.

Everything is permitted.

It was ridiculous. When is it going to end? Probably not for a long time now. The few friends you had left were mostly gossiping about their husbands and how they keep expressing that they can't wait until the day you meet someone that's right for you. You had a dream man pictured in your head but you didn't tell your friends that.

The imaginary man had brown hair, was very fast and athletic, he's very strong and one that truly does love you. He also had brown eyes, was caucasian, from your area and was very charming.

If you could find a man like that, then your life would be perfect down to the last detail. But if only wishes could come true, then things would be better for everyone. Or at least, it should be.

The day starts off normally with you waking up and taking a morning walk. You did this every morning and it was a nice thing to do. And this morning was no different from your other mornings. People being dumb, the carriages in motion and small riots. You kept going on with your walk and tried to ignore the yelling from angry people about something you had no care for.

"Idiot's". After saying that, someone shoved you forward with anger. You turned around and saw a man with the smell of alcohol and smoke. He had that crazy look in his eyes and his shirt was starting to come undone. "You calling me an idiot"? You scoffed and tried walking away but the man took a hold of your hand and you tried getting away from him.

"Let go now"! He tightened his grip and knocked you down. "No bitch will ever talk to me *hiccups* like that". He kicked you and laughed a harty laugh of enjoyment. You stood up, only to get knocked down again. "Come on, try and get up". You tried getting up again but he did the same thing again but with more strength and anger.

You felt defeated and didn't even bother to even stand up. "That's right, listen to men when they speak to you". He laughed again and suddenly stopped. He started to gurgle his throat and when you looked up, he was holding his throat and blood was spewing from the wound. Some of it got on your face.

You screamed and crawled backwards until your back hit a tree. The man gasped for air and with blood continuing to pour from his throat, he died. You looked around and the people that were around you were gone. They probably ran off in fear. "Are you alright mademoiselle"? You looked in front of you and saw a hooded man in blue with red flaps on the top of his attire. He sheathed his sword and approached you. "Are you injured"?

"No, but who are you"? He took his hood down and you nearly fainted. This man had brown hair up in a pony tail, seemed to be very fast and athletic, looks very strong and muscular, brown eyes, caucasian, and looked very charming. You couldn't believe your eyes. Your vision of a perfect man was literally standing in front of you. "U-uh-uuhhh".

"My name is Arno. Your injured, let me get you to a doctor". He took your hand and helped you stand up but then swept you off your feet. That stunned you for a moment but it was such a magical moment. You stared at Arno and wondered if this was a dream or not. He was perfect down to the last detail from your imagination. "Did you know that man"?


"Well then, good thing I was here to save you then". You blushed and you noticed that he had a slight blush as well. He kept carrying you to a carriage and drove you to a doctor. He went as  fast as possible and quickly tool you in.

Luckily the doctor said that the injuries were only minor but did require bed rest. Arno offered his home to you and without thinking you agreed with his offer. Arno took you back to his home and made sure you were well taken cared of by him the whole time. He checked on you every hour and made sure you stayed in the bed, only because there were a couple attempts of getting out of bed made by you because you needed air. As a result of that, he checked on you more often and opened more windows.


Arno came into the room and said, "Yes (y/n)"?

"Can I ask you something"? He went to you and sat along the bed. "Of course, love. Anything".

"You'll forgive me if I ask you"?

"Of course". You were a bit nervous about asking but you went ahead with a small amount of courage and asked, "Would you... lay down with me? I can't seem to sleep". He said nothing but stood up to walk to the other side of the bed and did as you requested. You turned to face him and smiled as you cuddled up to him.

He kissed your forehead and said to you in a whisper, "I love you (y/n)". You looked at him and kissed him on the lips. "I love you too, Arno". You both then fell asleep and let your dreams carry you two away.

But to no surprise, both of your dreams were about each other.

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go estefilovesyou. I can feel the love and warmth from this one shot. I hope you feel it too. Arno's game may be difficult to control since the controls are a bit off, but he's still an Assassin and as such, he's definitely earned a place in this book.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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