(REQUEST) (From start to finish) (Altaïr X Daughter! Reader)

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For nine months now, Maria and Altaïr were expecting to expand their family by one new child. A child that Altaïr vowed to make a perfect son or daughter. But Maria was there to keep reminding him that no matter what, he or she will be perfect in their own special way. He had hoped for another son, but was given something different.

A daughter.

Maria was screaming in pain from the pain of birth. Altaïr was right by her holding her hand. Maria was in the worst of pain but Altaïr would never experience that pain, all he would receive is the pain on his hand because Maria was squeezing the hell out of it. "Push Maria! Push"!

With the last bit of strength she had, she pushed and screamed. Until... she heard a baby crying and the maid saying "It's a girl"! Maria received her baby and held her in her arms and Altaïr was on the verge of tears. "Altaïr, she's beautiful"!

Altaïr was at a lost for words, but then again, he was always speechless when he witnessed the birth of his two sons. "Altaïr, come hold your daughter". Altaïr reached out and held his daughter for the first time. He made sure he was holding her right by supporting her head and holding her close.

A small tear fell from his eye and it was a beautiful moment. "Altaïr"? He looked at his wife, "Yes"?

"What shall we call her"? Altaïr looked at his daughter and thought for a moment. "(Y/n)." Maria smiled brightly even though she was exhausted. "I love that". Altaïr smiled brightly and kissed her daughters forehead. "I love you, (y/n)".


"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Look"! Altaïr looked behind him to see you running up to him with something in your hands. "What is it"? Upon closer inspection, he saw you had a rat in your small hands. Altaïr was a little grossed out but he brushed it off and said, "where did you find it"?

"It was out on the training ground".

"Put it down, it's filthy".

"But daddy, look at it. He won't hurt me" you said shoving the rat near him. Altaïr took a couple steps back. "I see it, but it's an animal. A filthy animal that holds no place here. I want you to release it". You got upset and unwilling placed the rat on the ground but it didn't leave your side. It just stood there and waited for you to move.

You took a step to the left and the rat followed after you. You went forward and it still followed. Altaïr was not liking this. You walked around Altaïr and the rat kept following you. "That's enough". You stopped moving and the rat stopped following and was now right behind you. "(Y/n), I want you to take the rat and leave outside the gate".

"But daddy-".

"Go on, I'll wait here". You sighed in disappointment and took the rat in your hands and walked out the tower to head to the village gate. After three minutes of walking you made it to the gate and put the rat down. It hoped off but it looked at you with it's little furry face.

"Your free, go on". The rat didn't do anything, it just kept looking at you. You started waking away leaving the rat alone. It made you so sad to leave your first friend behind but you had no choice. You made it back to the tower and saw that your dad was still waiting for you.

"Did you let it go"?

"Yes daddy" you said in a disappointing tone.

"I know your upset, but there's other children in our village that I'm sure would love to be your friend". You didn't say anything but you went back to your room to cry. Your father followed you but you didn't notice he was following until he sat down on your bed.

"I know your upset but-". He stopped and when you looked at him, he was staring at something. You got a better look and saw the same rat. You gasped and jumped out off bed. "YAY, HE'S BACK"! Altaïr groaned in annoyance. You picked up the rat and looked at your dad with puppy eyes.

"Please daddy, can I keep him"? Altaïr looked at you and tried to look away from your puppy eyes but he couldn't. "Alright, fine... but he's your responsibility, not mine".

"YAY. Thank you daddy". You jumped up and he caught you. You hugged him as hard as you could and he hugged back, but he was still not happy about having a rat in the tower as your pet.


You were hanging out in the village with the rat on your shoulder. This rat was surprisingly still alive after you found him seven years ago. You are fourteen years old and hanging out on a rooftop, dangling a leg over the side.

You decided to name your rat Malik. And that name was chosen because it suits him and you also did it to annoy Malik, your dads fellow assassin and mentor. Your dad said he would meet you there soon but he sure was taking awhile. "Where do you think he is, Malik"?

Malik, the rat, looked at you and squeaked. "I know father said to wait but he's taking to long". You sighed deeply and couldn't wait any longer. "Alright" you said, standing up, "I'm tired of waiting. I'm going to go see what's keeping him".

You jumped off the ledge, which wasn't that far of a jump. You started to run back towards the tower on the path but saw some of towns people running past you in fear. You continued running and saw your dad fighting the guards. He looked like he was starting to lose since he was outnumbered by two to one. Luckily, you had a plan.

You took Malik, the rat, off your shoulder and whispered to him, "Distract one of them". You placed Malik on the ground and he immediately scurried over to one of the guards and you ran to a nearby hay pile. Malik, the rat, jumped up on one of the guards leg and climbed up to its ear.

Meanwhile, you were in the haystack and took a stick. You looked at one of the guards and saw Malik, the rat, already on the guards shoulder. Malik, the rat, looked at you and you shouted, "NOW MALIK"! Malik, the rat, bit the guards ear and the guard yelled in pain.

You then took your stick and ran up and whacked the other guard in the back of the head, knocking him out. Altaïr was shocked but he still went in to kill the guard. Luckily, Malik, the rat, jumped off the guard in time and land safely on the ground and ran over to you to get back on your shoulder.

Altaïr was stunned. "(Y/n), did you and your friend just do that"!? You nodded with a smile. He must've been so impressed. "I'm very impressed. I think it's time..."

"Time for what father"?

"That I train you... to be an assassin".


After five years of training, you reached the rank of your father, which was master assassin. You were progressing way faster than anyone has ever seen before. Your father couldn't be any more proud of you and had to accept that his little girl has grown up.

But get this, Malik, the rat, WAS STILL ALIVE! You and your father had no idea on how that was possible but you liked to think of it as destiny that you found Malik, the rat.

You and your father were standing next to each other on top of tower, surveying the land while Malik, the rat, was sitting on your shoulder.

"Ready" asked Altaïr.

"Ready. Malik" you asked.

Malik, the rat, squeaked as his way of saying he was ready, and then held onto your shoulder. You and Altaïr approached the ledge and jumped off the ledge, performing a leap of faith, together...

As father and daughter.

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go ErzaJi. I am so sorry that my one shots are taking longer to write, but I should be back on track now. The next one shot should be uploaded sometime this week. If not by then, then you all get to slap me.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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