(REQUEST) (In love too soon) (Shay Cormac X Teen! Reader)

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Everyone is different and everyone goes through different stages. No matter who you are, you are challenged with different stages in your life. Sometimes, there are stages that only last during certain ages. Such as falling in love, supposedly, with a much older person. Those type of stages happen more often than you'd expect. But for you... You don't see it as a stage.

It was passion.

Christopher Gist had a little sister who was in her late teens and with some convincing, he was able to employ her on a ship called the Morrigan. You were just a ship mate but Gist made sure that you had a much nicer barrack since you were the only female. That was nice of him! Even more nice that the captain was incredibly handsome. His age caught you by surprise but it didn't affect how you felt about him. Not even in the slightest. His name was Shay Cormac. He had this motto that made you smile every time you heard him say it.

"I make my own luck".

That quote was stuck in your head since it was his quote. Every time you were working, you'd take sneaky glances at him as he was piloting the ship. He noticed you a couple times which would make you blush profusely. Shay was starting to get curious as to why you would take glances at him and decided that it was probably not a big deal. He assumed it was because you were still young and having a huge job. Teens aren't really supposed to have jobs like this. At least, not yet.

"Captain on deck".

You brought your attention towards the captain quarters to see Shay and his grandmaster appear and head to the wheel to continue their mission. Gist saw you staring at Shay and saw the look in your eyes. Gist wanted to laugh but realized that look you had was legitimate. Gist excused himself and went to retrieve you. "(Y/n), we need to talk. Come". You followed after your brother and went down to your private barrack. You both were inside and he closed the door. "What's the problem"?

"I had a question for you. One you probably wouldn't want the other ship mates to hear". You sat on your hammock and awaited to what he had to ask you. "Forgive me (y/n) if this question seems odd, but, is there something you want to tell me"?


"Are you sure"? You saw that look on Gists face and had the idea that he knew what you were harboring. He was always standing by the captain when the ship was sailing so it was understandable that he may have saw you glancing at Shay from time to time. You were hoping Gist wouldn't think it was a horrible thing that you had affections for Shay but he was calm and was talking to you normally and affectionately and not in a demanding way. "Ok. You cannot be upset with me though".

"I'm not upset with you but it is a bit surprising". You didn't say anything and laid on your hammock in silence. Gist knew that asking these questions may be a bit embarrassing due to how strange they were but still wanted to make sure you were ok. Gist wanted to ask more questions but could only ask one more before he had to return to the deck. "What is it about Shay that you admire"?

"Do not judge me! He's handsome and an amazing fighter. Please don't tell him any of this. If he knew, he would kick me off the ship for sure". Gist understood and made the promise to not breathe a word of it but little did the two of you know, a certain someone was looking for Gist and when this person followed after Gist, they heard everything. Gist got up and you both returned to the deck to resume your duties. You were really hoping that Gist would keep his word in not telling Shay, let alone anybody, your dark secret.

Anyways, while the ship was still sailing, a couple ships came to view and were appearing to be enemy ships. Naturally, the crew went into battle mode and Gist quickly escorted you below deck for your own safety. You heard the loud canon shots and screams of death but what you heard next was something you couldn't ignore. "The captains been shot"! Without thinking, you shot up from your chair and stormed up to the deck. You saw Shay trying to fight the enemies but was also clutching his arm.

You took a musket from the wooden floor and shot one of Shays attackers and jumped over to the ship. Shay saw you and was more focused on you then what was happening. You shot the few remaining attackers and quickly grabbed Shay and took him back to the Morrigan. He was beyond impressed. He was baffled at your quick thinking and strength as you brought him to the helm of the ship and sat him down. "Get me the doctor! Now"! The other crew members were taken aback by your demands but knew that it wasn't important right now. "(Y/n)? Are you alright" Gist asked.

"I'm fine". You quickly examined Shays arm and saw the bullet. It was a relief that it hadn't gone in completely. One of the crew members brought up the doctor. While the doctor was getting the bullet out, Shay was looking at you with shock and utter astonishment and it made you blush a little. Knowing you couldn't do anything else, you left to go back down to your quarter and wait. Some time went by and when you looked out your window, it was dark outside. "Might be best to turn in for the night" you thought.

Before you could fall asleep on your hammock, there was a knock on the doorway. When you looked at the doorway, you started to blush. It was Shay. "Hello (y/n)". You quickly stood up and shuffled your way back to the wall. "Captain".

"I apologize for disturbing you but I wanted to take a moment to thank you for you saving my life". You smiled and felt yourself blush very hard. "Is something wrong" Shay asked with a smirk.

"No. What's so funny"?

"Your just... Cute". Shay then walked up to you and planted a small kiss on your cheek. He knew that was all he could give you because of your age but also knew it would be enough to satisfy you. You blushed so hard that your face might as well turn into a strawberry. "I must return to the helm. Come up to see me whenever you please". Shay then left your cabin and you sunk down to the floor and when you did, you couldn't stop smiling. With a subtle tone, you whispered,

"If only"...

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go xMaeylisx. Here's a question. Why is the fandom making Shay and Haytham gay for each other? It confuses me. Does Haytham really give off that vibe of him being gay? If that's the case, I've been playing Assassins Creed 3 and Rogue completely wrong. (I know you don't play as Haytham in Rogue but he's there and that's where the main idea is). Requests?

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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