(REQUEST) (Love heals pain) (Ezio Auditore X Assassin! Wife! Reader)

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The love from another person can heal any injury... Said no one ever!

Can a sinple kiss on the cheek heal a gash on your arm?


Can a hug fux a broken bone?


Can sex heal depression?

Sadly, no.

Nothing works. Either a doctor helps you or you die. It's going to take a lot more than a simple physical expression of love. You, on the other hand, had something that needed a doctors attention right away but you were in denial since it wasn't too deep. You and Ezio had just returned from finding out who the traitor of the Assassins was. It wasn't Machiavelli, it was a one of the Borgia's spies. La Volpe was starting to accuse Machiavelli as the spy but he was shown proof and he and Machiavelli are now allies, even though they already were.

Anyways, you and Ezio made it back to the hideout and Ezio noticed some blood that stained your attire. "Is that your blood"? You looked at your attire and you saw that you did indeed had blood on you. You felt around on your body and then a small pain on your waist. You then remembered that you did have to kill enemies and some of their blood did get on you but one of them was able to slice you a little bit with his sword. That was the pain you felt. A sword.

You figured it wasn't a big deal and you didn't want Ezio to worry so you said, "No. It's from the enemies". Ezio gave you that look like you were lying but since you said it so calmly and casually, he didn't over think it and left you be.

But maybe you should've told him.

The next morning, the pain was worse than yesterday. You did manage to stop the bleeding and you kept it hidden from Ezio so he wouldn't notice, which proved to be difficult since both of you sleep in the same bed. It was hard to keep it hidden but you were lucky enough to have him not notice. You tried to stop the pain with wet cloths but it wasn't very effective. But it, sadly, was time to do the patrol in the city for any signs of distress. Ezio was ready to go but you weren't. "Your not ready? What is wrong"?

"Nothing, I'm just a bit tired is all. I'll be ready in a short moment". Ezio still didn't believe you but since you said it so calmly, he listened to you and went to the weapons room to await for you. You tried grabbing your Assassin attire but you fell to the floor when a sharp pain shot through your stomach to your leg. You tried to stand up but you then felt something warm and wet on the floor. You hesitantly looked down at your stomach and saw that the wound got reopened and was now getting infected.

You then hear rapid footsteps coming closer to the room and then the door swung open to reveal Ezio who was now extremely worried. "What happened"!?

"Nothing. I'm just tired Ezio. Do not worry". Ezio was now fed up with this and picked you up bridal style and started to leave the hideout with you. "What are you doing"?

"I'm taking you to a doctor".


"But Ezio, I'm alright. I'm serious".

"Your not alright. Your in pain and you need a doctor immeaditly". You wanted to keep convincing him that you were fine but he was determined to get you to the doctor. After awhile, he made it to street doctor and carefully laid you on the table. "She's in pain. Please help her". The doctor understood and started to check you out but then noticed a small line of blood of where your sword wound is. He carefully lifted your shirt and both he and Ezio saw a horrific sight. Your wound was infected really badly and was starting to bleed again. The doctor even saw the bandages you tried to wrap around yourself. "(Y/n)! What happened to you"!

"It's just a sword wound, Ezio. Just a slice is all". The doctor was grabbing a jar of leeches and tonics and certain herbs to help your wound. Ezio looked at you with slight anger and extreme worry because you lied and that your wound was really bad. "Why would you lie"?

"I didn't want you to worry, my love". Ezio came close to you as the doctor kept working on your wound. "If only you could see how bad it looks. My love, please tell me things like this if it ever occurs again. I could've lost you if I hadn't brought here".

"I know. I'm sorry". You two kissed each other lovingly and when the doctor finished, Ezio quickly brought you back to the hideout. He sent a pigeon off with a message to La Volpe about what had just happened and hoped he would understand. When you both returned to the hideout, Ezio helped you get out of your blood stained clothes and into the bed. He went overboard with care. Anything you needed, he went and got it. He refused to do his missions until you were better.

About a couple days after, Ezio returned from the market and retrieved more herbs to put on your wounds for the healing process to advance and the infection to go down. "Ezio"?

"Yes bella (beautiful)"?

"Are you still mad"?

"No. I'm just happy that you're safe and healing".

When Ezio finished applying the herbs, he stood and you then asked, "Will you lay with me for awhile"? He smiled and didn't respond since he immediately got into bed with you. "Ezio"?

"Yes my love"?

"I'm feeling better everyday but it's not from the leeches or herbs".

"Oh? Then what is it" he asked with a hint of sarcasm since he seemed to figure it out already that he was the answer to this question. "It's because of you. You spent so much time caring for me instead of doing your missions and I don't know what to say. Thank you. I love you".

Ezio kissed you and said, "I love you to, my love". You both then started to drift off to sleep as you both held each other in a warm and tight embrace. Remember when I said that certain expressions of love can't heal physical pain? Even though it doesn't, it certainly speeds up the process of healing. Ezio proves it otherwise. His love was undeniably the most powerful thing on this planet.

And it's all yours...

All yours...

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go Song_MiSun. I once again say, happy birthday to me! I'm now 20 years old and I feel old. Like I said a million times already. We're getting even more closer to reaching the one hundredth one shot and I know you guys are excited for that! Until we get there, the request poll will still be closed.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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