(REQUEST) (It's true! I know it is!) (Jacob Frye X Reader)

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Ok, this is going to be a challenge. This is me trying to write a one shot based from Ariana Grande's song 'God is a woman'. All I can say is this, I'm doing my best with this...

So don't judge...

It had to be true. It has to be. There are beliefs that he's a woman and not a man. There was plenty of beliefs and proof but not everyone believed it.

Especially Jacob.

"Jacob, it's true"! Jacob once again rolled his eyes at you and brushed off your beliefs. "Do you not hear yourself right now? You sound ridiculous". You groaned loudly and were about to say something to him but he waved you off. "Jacob, what's it going to take to make you believe"!?

"NOTHING"! You wanted to say something else but sighed in defeat as this was the hundredth time you tried convincing Jacob of your beliefs. You thought it would be better for him to believe this rather than believing the original idea of the religion. That god was a woman.

There were only a few that agreed with you and you wanted to spread the word. You were enthusiastic about your belief and were also willing to attempt to convert people. Like Jacob. Jacob didn't believe in any religion and you saw that as an opportunity to convert him.

But he thought it was a dumb waste of time. You were desperate at this point to try and convert him. Perhaps a little bit proof would be enough. But where to get it is challenging. Maybe looking into other books to see if you could find more information for proof. The library was your only option left.

You started making your way to the public library in the city of London. There has to be something you can show as proof for Jacob. And there was. You took a small book with untold theories and possible answers. It took awhile, but you finally found the page you were looking for.

"Godly theories"

You scrolled through the pages and finally found the answer that is needed to convince Jacob. You took the book and ran off to find Jacob. If this doesn't work, then nothing will. You ran down the streets to get to the nearby train station and saw that his train didn't show up yet. "Come on, come on, hurry up".

While waiting, you noticed a single man looking at you. It made you nervous so you hoped that the train would show up any second now. "HEY"! You and everyone in the station jolted and turned towards the source of the sound. It was a man with a bunch of blighters. "THERE YOU ARE YOU THIEF"! The blighters dashed towards you and drawed weapons.

You went wide eyed and saw the train hideout coming into the station to board passengers. Before you could run to the train, a blighter tackled you and started punching you. You tried blocking the punches and tried getting him off. The other two blighters held you at gun point waiting to shoot you on command. You looked over and saw the train hideout start to leave. You quickly shoved the blighter off only to have the two blighters who held you at gunpoint accidentally shhot the blighter on top of you.

They panicked and it gave you a chance to run away and get to the train. You ran as fast as you could to reach the train but the two blighters were following in pursuit. "GET BACK HERE"! You ignored their demands amd kept running and running until you heard the shots of their guns firing at you. The train was getting closer and closer but as soon as you got a hold of it to be able to pull yourself up, a blighter shot you right in the arm.

You rightfully screamed and almost fell down but the door on the back of the train was kicked open to reveal Jacob. He pulled out his two pistols and shot the blighters in the face, leaving their corpses on the tracks. You were pulled up by Jacob and were quickly led to a bed to lay down. "(Y/N), WHAT HAPPENED"!?

"Those blighters tried to kill me because I stole a book". Evie and Henry came rushing in when they heard Jacob exclaim out of worry. "Why a book"? You took out your book and opened it up to the pages that you wanted him to read. "Read these pages".

Jacob took the book and when he saw the title, he closed it and was about to give it back but you pushed it towards him. "Please Jacob. I went through all this trouble and I nearly died. Please, just read it". Jacob wanted to say 'no' and attend to your injury but he knew you were right. All this trouble just to convert him. He sighed, rather loudly and took the book. "Attend to the her wound". Evie nodded and went to take a look at your arm while Jacob went to the next car to read in silence.


Evie was able to stop the bleeding and make sure your wound wasn't going to get infected. Jacob was taking awhile with his reading and you wondered what he was doing. After awhile, Jacob finally came back in the car and saw your bandaged arm. "How's your arm"?

"It'll be alright. How was your reading"? Jacob walked to you and sat down beside you. "I feel obligated to apologize".


"Because... you were right. I understand the idea and... believe that God is... a woman". You wanted to cheer for joy but you were curious as to whether or not he was telling the truth. "Are you serious"? He nodded and you couldn't contain your excitement any longer. You screeched in joy and quickly higged Jacob tightly. He smiled and returned your embrace.

Just then, the train hit a couple bumps and it was a bit perplexing as to what caused that. "What was that" you asked.

"OH, that. That was the blighters that were chasing you. They're still on the tracks".

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go InspiringErised. I know that this took a long time, but what else can I say, I tried. It's not as easy as it seems. It's very difficult. But I tried. So please try not to judge.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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