(REQUEST) (The love from an Assassin is amazing) (Jacob Frye X Reader)

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SHOUT OUT TO rainbowsandsugar

"Jacob, stop" you said laughing. Jacob smirked and kept kissing your neck and it had a slight tickle to it. You finally shoved him off but he went right back in to kiss you on the lips. Jacobs love for you was indescribable. The best feeling in the world. He would spend as much time with you as possible. But duty still called and he had to head off. If you were fully completed with your assassin training, then you could tag along but since your not even close, you had to stay behind.

It was annoying at first but you were starting to get accustomed to it. You just needed more training. Sometimes Jacob would be gone for about a couple hours and you would usually take a nap or just have conversations with Henry. You decided you would just stare out the trains windows with time slipping away and you doing nothing. The train would constantly loop all over London so you saw the same things. But not now.

While the train was passing around White Chapel, you saw a couple blighters yelling and threatening hand gestures. You couldn't see who they were doing it to but it was enough for you to quickly get up and jump off the train. You were in an outfit that somewhat resembled an Assassins outfit but you also took a pistol and some throwing knives. You ran to where the commotion was coming from and saw that the blighters were threatening children. One of them grabbed a child by the wrist and was getting ready to slap him.

You quickly aimed the pistol and shot him in the back. He froze and finally fell lifeless on top of the boy. The two other blighters looked around scared and were about to take off but you jumped down and threw a smoke bomb and killed the blighters with shots in the face. After the smoke cleared, the children looked on horror and almost started to cry. "It's alright, your safe. Did they hurt you"?

"No, but they keep making us work in the factory".

"Well, you won't have to worry about that. Run along, I'll take care of the person in charge of the factory". The kids looked happy to hear that and ran off. You ran to the factory on the streets since you were not completely finished with rooftop running. The factory was now in view and it was very guarded. The only way to get in was through the entrance but even then, that task was impossible. The only thing you could think of was causing a distraction to sneak in.

You remembered that Jacob had given you some firecrackers. You even saw some gunpowder by the entrance in some crates. "Perfect". You might the firecrackers and threw them to the crates. Not long after that, an explosion alerted all of the guards and even the man in charge of the whole factory. You could see the children being rushed to the far corners on the first floor as they were threatend to stay silent. The children were left behind, unsupervised and afraid, which gave you a chance to free them. The headsman was nearby the children and was guarding them like a lioness to her cubs, except not in a protective way. It was in the way to make them feel like baby gazells and the lion was on the prowl. The headsman was walking back and forth and when he finally had his back turned you quickly ran behind and grabbed him by the shirt and shot him in the head. The children screamed and you quickly shushed them but it was too late. The blighters were about to barge in and attack you but, quite unexpectedly and surprisingly, the rooks came out of nowhere and attacked the blighters. You couldn't believe your eyes. How did they-

"Jacob. Of course". You looked over and saw Jacob and Evie standing on the rooftops overlooking this whole thing. Jacob waved at you like an idiot and you rolled your eyes and waved back. He is such a numbskull, but he's your numbskull. After the rest of the blighters were dealt with, both Jacob and Evie met you in the front of the building. Jacob wasted no time in bomb rushing you in a hug. He felt so relieved that you were safe. He would never want anything to happen to the love of his life. After a couple moments of relief, Jacob pulled back form his hug and quickly asked you, "Are you alright"?

"I'm fine. But you wont believe what just happened-"

"We already know what happened. Me and Jacob were coming back and heard gunshots. When we saw you assisting the children and even stop the factory, we were stunned. I'm very impressed. Perhaps... You are ready". You smiled widely and Jacob quickly embraced you with a kiss. You were so happy that you would finally have the chance to advance your skill.


After three months, you were finally a master Assassin. Jacob and Evie couldn't be even more proud of you. Especially Jacob. To celebrate your huge accomplishment, Jacob and you... Well... I think you can figure it out. Anyways, after that celebration, you and the Frye twins went out to finally complete the main mission.

To kill Crawford Starrick.

After a long wait of wiping out snipers and Evie being forced to dance with Starrick himself, you and the Frye twins finally found the piece of Eden and killed Starrick. It was exhilarating to have the threat that was terrorizing all of London gone forever. It was obvious that even though Starrick was dead, the blighters were still around. It's gonna take you, the Frye twins and Henry Green to take them down permanently. But that would have to wait for a bit, because right now, you and Jacob are cuddling with each other.

And nothing's going to interrupt that.


Author's notes:

Ok, here you go rainbowsandsugar. I apologize for this being very late but it's here now. We're getting closer to one hundred one shots and I'm so excited! I'm working very hard to get them done and also the others after the one hundredth one shot. I plan to get them all done before the one hundredth one shot. So be prepared to wait awhile.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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