(SERIES) (What is Netflix?) (2) (Assassins X Latino! Female! Reader)

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(F/TV/s)= Favorite TV show


You still couldn't believe what had just happened. You just caught two fictional characters going through your underwear drawer. Well, you must admit that they are handsome but not as handsome as Aguilar.

You and Aguilar came downstairs to see Claudia and Evie smacking their own individual brother in the face since they probably told them what they did. "Why would you do that Jacob" asked Evie with her arms folded. "Ezio had convinced me to do so" he said as he saw Claudia giving Ezio a stern talking to.

Evie just shook her head and smacked Jacob in the back of the head and headed to a different room. You sighed in annoyance and felt your stomach grumble. You just decided to go in the kitchen and make dinner. After all, you know how to make a killer roast chicken.

Luckily, you had some chicken that was defrosted and you began to cook. "Are you cooking something bella" asked Ezio as he came into the kitchen. "Yep. I make the best roast chicken, evah" you said as you preheated the oven. "Do you need any assistance" asked Connor.

You wanted to say yes, but then you remembered that they don't even know how to use any of the appliances in the kitchen. "No, I'm fine, here watch television while I cook" you said grabbing a spare remote on the .

You turned on the TV and they all heard it and ran into the room to get a good look at it. Fearing the worst since you didn't want them seeing the news and all the other fucked up shit on regular TV, you decided to put Netflix on. You decided to put (f/TV/S). "So, what is this" asked Altaïr. "It's called Netflix, and with this paid program, I can watch almost anything I want any time I want".

They all sat down either on the floor or your two couches lined together to form a right angle. Their eyes were glued to the TV. You sighed in relief now that they were occupied. You went into the kitchen to finish cooking and saw that the oven was ready.

You put the finishing touches on the chicken, put it in the pan and stuck it in the oven.

Now, what good is any dinner without some sides to go with it. You pulled out of the cupboards some easy to make mashed potatoes and pulled out of the freezer some frozen broccoli. You started cooking those and in no time wasted was it all ready but the chicken was still cooking.

Now all that had to be done was wait. You cleaned up the mess and set a timer on the oven. Finally, you could relax.

You made your way to the living room and saw that they had saved you a spot. You were sitting next to Aguilar and Leonardo. You leaned back and felt an arm around your neck. You looked over and saw Aguilar smirking. You smiled and adjusted yourself so that you were snuggling with him. He played with your hair for a little bit and just stroked your arm.

An hour has gone by and during that time the assassins were asking questions about present time and any other things that have happened that they did not know about. You mostly told them about the dark history of America and some good things about our country.

You then heard a ding from the kitchen. Everyone heard it and froze. You got up and said, "calm down, it's the oven, it just needs to cool off". You went to the kitchen, put on oven mitts and took out the chicken.

"What is that amazing smell lass" asked Edward. You laughed and set the chicken on the stove. "It's a roast chicken, I'm letting it cool off for about 5 minutes and then we'll be able to eat". "Why not now" whined Jacob.

"Because you'll burn your mouth and throat if you eat it now, that's why" you said. "It smells amazing" said Aguilar. "Aprecio tus amables palabras" you said putting the oven mitts away. "What did she say Aguilar" asked Malik. "She said that she appreciates our kind words".

You smiled and went to the fridge and pulled out a pitcher of tea, lemonade, water and some soda. It's been out long enough, so you decided to cut the chicken and asked Evie and Claudia to help with getting things set up since they were more careful.

The smell of the chicken was making everyone's mouth start to water a little bit. After everything was set out and you put food on everyone's plate, they started to tear up the food like dogs, but they still had their manners, so thank God for that.

"This is the most delicious thing I've ever had the fortune of eating" said Altaïr as he then took another bite of the chicken. "Well, like I said earlier, I make the best pork roast evah" you said.


After everyone ate and also during that time, you had to sort out where everyone would be sleeping. Malik, Leonardo, Altaïr, and Ezio would sleep in the living room. Luckily you had two guest room's. In of them, it was Jacob, Evie, and Claudia. In the other one was Connor, Arno, and Henry. You then had Aguilar sleep in your bed with you.

"This is the most comfortable bed I've ever been in" said Aguilar as he snuggled with you. "Thank you, I'm so comfortable that I can barely move" you said as you hugged him a little tighter. Aguilar had one arm wrapped around you and you were snuggling with him. "Well, I suppose we should get some rest, buenas noches (good night) Aguilar" you said as you laid your head on his shoulder.

He sighed a happy sigh and you felt a soft and gentle kiss pressed upon your forehead. "Buenas noches (good night) (y/n)". You both then fell into the arms of slumber and didn't let each other go at all during the night.

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go hellisfinedean. A part two of the request you made. I'm willing to take more requests from anyone as long as you give me a plot. It would give me something to do that I enjoy. So, if you have any requests, I'm all ears.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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