(REQUEST) (Friend or Foe?) (Connor Kenway X George Washingtons Daughter! Reader)

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"(Y/n)? Can you please come here"? Your father was a man of high influence. George Washington. "Were you about to go out on patrol again"?

"Yes. What's the problem"?

"Look, I understand that this is who you are but please understand that no one will take you seriously. And also, you don't have to patrol every two days". Yes, your a female, but you also were a solider and many people would bash George for having his daughter do this line of work. But then again, not that many people knew of it since you wouldn't explicitly state who your father was. "I know father, but you do need more support as is. More patrol means that you'll know more of whats going on while your not here". George wanted to object to this but knew you were right.

"Very well. If your going to patrol, I ask that you try to find Thomas Hickey. He's been accused of making counterfeit money and I want him brought here for questioning, but please return to me if there's a problem". You understood and assured your father that you would be ok. The last time you heard, Hickey was seen in Boston by the harbor so that's where you went. On the way there, it was no surprise that the people gave looks of curiosity and some even had disgust. While searching, you were tackled to the ground with another man.

You quickly got up and aimed your musket at the two men. One was easily recognized. "Thomas Hickey". Hickey stood up and the other man was now holding Hickey against the wall. You went over and said, "Whatever quarrel you have with Hickey, you'll have to leave it behind. He has to come with me, now". The man looked at you with astonishment since he's probably never seen a female solider. "Who are you anyways? What business do have with me" Hickey asked.

"You have business with counterfeit money and for that, I'm taking you in myself. As for you" you said as you then pointed to the man with the beige hood, "I have told you already to leave. Now leave".

"I won't".

"Very well. GUARDS"! The nearby soilders that also were on the Patriots side showed up. They aimed their muskets at the both of them and they surrendered. "Your both under arrest"!

"What are the charges"?


"I had nothing to do with that" the man with the hood said.

"'Course not" the soilder mocked.

"Listen - there are more important things at stake here. This man is planning to-"

The hooded man didn't get to finish his sentence as he was then knocked in the back of the head and fell unconscious. "Take Hickey and this man to the jail. I'll arrive there shortly" you said. Although the soilders were not at all used to a woman giving them orders, they were fully aware of your stance and knew they had no choice. They carried the hooded man and Hickey to a jail carriage and went to the jail.

The hooded man was confiscated of his attire and was given a scuffed up outfit with holes and a couple blood stains as his outfit for jail.

The two men were next to each other in cells and while the jail keeper was locking them up, you sent a messenger to your father to come here quickly. The hooded man, after some time, started to awake and was greeted by Hickey.

"You miss me, swee'art"?

"Both of you, be quiet" you said as you approached the hooded mans cell. "What's your name if you don't mind me asking"?

"Connor. Is your father is General Washington"?

"Yes. And yes, I'm aware being a soilder is not ideal for a woman but I do not care what others think of my position"-

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