(100) (SERIES) (6) (Assassins and Templars X Mother! Reader, sort of)

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We did it! We reached 100 one shots! I figured that to celebrate, let's continue with the series of the Assassin's and Templars X mother! Reader, sort of.

Let's get started...

You woke up the next morning at your usual time and knew that the "guests" were the ones who had to watch over the kids and now a dog.

"Thanks Michael, you asshole".

You got up and got dressed, brushed your teeth and finished getting prepared for the morning. No one was awake. Well, at least that's what you thought. When you were all dressed and ready to go, Edward and Desmond were awake watching television. "Why are you guys awake"? The two men turned around and got up to face you. "We had some trouble sleeping last night" said Edward.

"Ok. Well are you guys ok now"?

"Yeah, were good" said Desmond.

"Great! Now, the kids schedules are on the fridge as well as my cell and work number. Lindseys snack for the day is in the fridge. If the kids go outside, two of you at least need to go with them in case of an accident or an emergency. If there is a real dangerous emergency like the house being caught on fire or a shooter, then call 9-1-1. And I did some research, Aurora has to eat twice a day and refill her water bowl if it gets empty and make sure that Jackson and Dylan get to practice on time-"

"(Y/n), don't worry. We got this. Besides, with everyone else here, it'll be a piece of cake" said Desmond with a reassuring smile. Edward agreed with Desmond and you knew they were right. "Ok. Well, I'm gonna grab my coffee and leave". You went to the coffee machine to start making your coffee to take. "Edward, you should go wake up the other guys and tell them to get ready". Edward understood and left to do said task. You looked over and said, "I know I'm asking for so much but I don't have a choice".

"It's ok (Y/n). We'll be alright. But what is it that the kids have to do"?

"Dyaln has guitar practice, Jackson has soccer practice, and Olivia and Lindsey have a pediatrician appointment". Desmond looked at you like you were lying but saw that look on your that said you weren't lying. "All on the same day"?


"But why would Jackson have sport practice on spring break"?

"I don't know. I'm just going by the schedule. Now look, I know I'm asking for so much but I'll make it up to all of you when I get back". Desmond smiled and walked over to you in a flirty fashion. "Promise" he said as he leaned on the counter making flirty eye contact with you. You blushed and said, "I promise". Desmond was about to make a move on you but you then saw something hit his face. You both looked over and saw Edward smirking in an evil way. You looked down and saw that Edward threw one of Auroras toys.

You looked at him with annoyance but he smiled and said, "It wasn't me". You rolled your eyes and said, "Ok, boys. I have to go. Remember, call me if theres a problem". They both nodded and out the door you went. Desmond picked up the dog toy and threw it at Edward when he wasn't looking. It hit him in the face and he looked at him with a shocked and mad look. Desmond looked innocent and said, "Wasn't me".

Edward was about to say something but was cut off by Aurora barking and running towards the back door. Desmond opened the door and out went the dog. Some of the other men and women came out and started to regroup. They would regroup for discussing what the plan was for the day. Desmond had to bring up everything you said to him and Edward and was already hit with a roadblock.

Who's gonna drive?

Yes, Desmond could drive but he doesn't have a valid driver's license. If he got pulled over, he would be screwed. Obviously, the others can't drive since they don't know how. Obviously. Now before you say that Dylan can drive, he can't. He doesn't have a learners permit. He's taking drivers ed and still learning how to drive. Some asked if walking was an option and that led to Desmond calling you on the phone to see where the practices were at and where the pediatrician was at.

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