(REQUEST) (Forget the doctor) (Edward Kenway X Wife! Reader)

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Curiosity killed the cat. But in this case, curiosity was stabbing Edward in the head. It was about his wife, (y/n). She started to stop talking after awhile and was getting sadder and sadder. Edward asked if she was ok but she only said she doesn't know what happened. She was wrecked in pain and Edward wouldn't stop fretting over her. "Just tell me, what's wrong".

"Nothing Edward".

"Lass, I swear. If you don't tell me then I'll-"

"You'll what? Have a childish tantrum"? He sighed and didn't know what to do anymore. You may love Edward more than anything but this was something that was so bad and dreadful that you were worried about what he would he think. He would probably think it's a lie. You can't handle it but if it's not treated, then it gets worse.

In case your wondering, it's from lack of attention and love.

"Edward, just drop it. I'm fine and if you ask again, I'll pour all your rum into the sea". Edwards eyes widened in fear and he took his pint in hand and said, "You wouldn't dare". You smiled and said, "I would dare". Edward sighed and you left to go upstairs to the room you and Edward share. You sat along the bed and laid down. Edward was a very persistent man but in the end, he loves you. This pain was... Painful but there was no blood. It had only scars. From the past? Yes.

But we have to let the past stay in the past. That's why it's called the past. If we all tried to live in the past, we would miss out on our lifes and miss lifes greatest moments. You and Edward had big dreams for the future but you didn't feel it was necessary to keep pursuing them since they seemed pointless. This whole personal situation you have is blocking it. "(Y/n)"? You looked up and saw Edward looking concerned at you. "Are you alright" he said as he came and sat down beside you. You didn't answer him and when he asked again, he held your hand to hopefully have you respond.

Edward wasn't giving up. "Please (y/n. Please answer me". You sighed deeply and slowly looked at him. He was worried and waiting for a response from you. "(Y/n)"? With a deep breath, you said, "I'm sorry".

"For what"?

"For not telling you". Edward started getting scared because he thought you were going to tell him you cheated on him, which you obviously didn't. "About... My problems". Edward looked confused and when he asked you what you were talking about, you couldn't bring yourself to tell him. He was getting desperate to know what it was because he couldn't bear the thought that you were in any kind of distress. After a long time of pleading, you finally screamed "I'M DEPRESSED"!

Edwards heart stopped and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. You have never been depressed a single day in your life. You were a happy and sunshiny person but now you get dropped with a big bomb of sadness. It didn't make sense. "No... Your lying". You didn't respond and Edward then knew you were being serious. Edward quickly embraced you tightly and he kept telling you that he was here for you and that he loves you. You became overwhelmed with sadness and love that you started to cry.

Actually, scratch that. You were sobbing.

Edward knew that you and him had to figure something out. A doctor was out of the question since you weren't physically injured. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out". You were barely listening since you were losing hope. You and Edward were out looking around to see if they could find any professional doctor or anybody who could help. So far, nothing. Edward looked back and saw that you had stopped following him. He went back to you and said, "(Y/n), I promise that we'll figure everything out".

"I don't think we will. We've looked everywhere and we still haven't found anyone". Edward wanted to say that he wouldn't give up but knew that it would turn into an argument so he had another strategy this time. He gently took your hand that had your wedding band on it and said, "Remember when we got married"? You smiled since it was the best day of your life. You also remembered that Edward was beyond nervous but then again you were too. "Of course I do".

"Remember our vows to each other"?

"Yes. Why"? Edward gently held you close and said, "I said I would never stop loving you and that I would care for you no matter what. I also promised that I would never let anything bad happen to you. But my question is this? Do you remember your vow"?

"Yes. I promised to love you forever and always support you in what you do. I also said I would never..."

"Never what" Edward said smiling at you since he remembered what your vow was. "That I would never give up on you".

"Exactly. Right now your starting to break your vow. I know it sounds harsh but please my love", he then whispers in your ear, "don't do this. Please trust me". You felt a tear fall down your cheek since it was clear to you now that you were indeed breaking one of your vows. Vows have to last forever. That's the point of them. You looked at Edward in the eyes and saw he had a caring look and he kissed you on the forehead which washed away all your grief.

The feeling of depression was being washed away and it felt exhilarating. You felt happy again and you jumped into him and he caught you but he was very surprised by this action. "I now know what it was. I just needed more of you". Edward was confused but could understand a little bit that he was gone much more than usual. "I understand. I'm here now", he put you down and you both kissed each other. The usual taste of alcohol fron Edwards breath was the best thing in the world to you.

You both then agreed to go home but that night, you and him did... Uh... Well, you know what. But that's ok.

Love is love!

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go, Song_MiSun. Sorry your one shot took forever but it's here now. As for other one shots, they'll take awhile. Sorry.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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