(SERIES) (1) (My new and only child) (Alexios X Baby! Reader)

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No one requested this. It's from the mission called 'ashes to ashes'. The choices that were given were saving the baby or leaving it to die. I'm not leaving a baby to die! FUCK THAT! So let's begin...

Alexios was running through the woods to reach the forest alter. He reached the Alter of Apollo Maleatas only to find a dead eagle on a small alter. "A warning. Must be getting close". Alexios turned around and heard the sounds of a baby. A baby crying from the distance but it was close enough to where he could locate it. Alexios then darted towards the sound and went down the small dirt path that led him to the source of the noise, only to find that it was guarded by two guards.

One spotted Alexios and started running to attack him. This alerted the other guard but Alexios slashed and charged at him with his sword and spear. The baby crying was still heard and Alexios knew he had to hurry this up. He took his sword and stabbed the first one in the throat and the other with the spear in the throat. They both died instantly.

Alexios ran into the temple and saw Chrysis holding someone's baby that clearly wasn't hers. "Killing seems to run in your bloodline, oh mighty Eagle Bearer".

"Don't you dare speak of my family, snake" Alexios said in a threatening way. Chrysis put the baby on the alter in front of her and spoke to Alexios. "I still remember the night your mother brought me my child. The sad, pathetic thing, crying in the rain. Had I known then that Myrrine had two children... but, here you are. My family is complete".

"You speak of family, yet you send cult puppets to silence your own son. They're dead, by the way".

"Dolops ceased being my son when he turned his back on the gods". Alexios looked at the baby, it had stopped crying but he could tell it was still upset. "You mean turned his back on you".

"The baby was destined to be mine! She was too stupid to understand that" Chrysis said. "You let my mother believe her baby was dead". Chrysis walked over to Alexios and stood back from her about five feet. "But she was. Oh, how your mother wept when that little heart stopped beating. But then I took care of her. Placed her on this very alter. Screamed for the gods to spare her life. And they listened".

"What are you going to do to this baby" Alexios asked infuriated. "I'm going to save her, by teaching her to suffer. To know pain so well that she will learn to welcome it like an old friend. And when she's grown, she'll teach all of the Greek world to know that pain".

Alexios got outraged at that statement. "Your... going to torture her! She's just a baby"!

"I am teaching her to survive. This world is cruel. It demands strength, or death. So I am going to give her that strength, just like I did with your sister"!

Alexios knew what was to be done, and that was to kill Chrysis. "I'll run my spear through your throat for the pain you've caused and the pain you'll give". Chrysis laughed and said, "This world is pain. I will provide her strength to cope. Your mater (mother) was a weakling who whined to the gods like a pig on an alter. I am more a mater (mother) to her than she will ever be. I can be a mother to you, too, Eagle Bearer".

"This goes beyond my family. You and your cult are going to destroy the Greek world. You bring nothing but suffering" Alexios said. Chrysis started to walk slowly to the door and opened it and said, "You talk of suffering and yet you come drenched in blood and threaten my life. You are a killer, just like your sister. Here, let me show you".

Chrysis then took out a fire bomb and tossed at the bottom of the alter. Alexios's eyes widened and when the bomb made contact, the whole room started to engulf in flames. The baby instantly started crying again. Chrysis took off running. It was apparent to her that Alexios would leave the child behind to prove that he was indeed a killer, but not this time.

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