(SERIES) (How to act normal) (3) (Assassins X Latino! Female! Reader)

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A dream is something that occurs in your sleep. Most dreams seem so real that when you wake up, you expect that it really did happen. Dreams can be scary, amazing, confusing and hilarious. But none the less, they are dreams and aren't real.

That's what you thought, but now you awaken to the sight of the man that slept with you in your bed, supposedly in your dream. You jolted and screamed and ran out of the room which caused Aguilar to jolt up and see you run out of the room. You paused at the top of the stairs and heard movement from your room and some from the other three rooms.

You rushed downstairs to hide in a secret room behind a shelf in the living room. The hidden room also had a peep hole for you to see through. "(Y/n)"? The voice was from the man who slept with you in your bed last night. "(Y/n)"?

"What's going on" asked another voice.

"It's (y/n), she woke up screaming and I don't know where she went".

"Hold on" said another voice. There was silence and you looked through the peep hole to see Connor, Aguilar and Arno. Connor looked over at the shelf and walked towards it. "(Y/n)? Are you in there"? Aguilar and Arno looked at Connor with confusion. But Arno got the idea to use his own eagle vision and then he understood what he was doing and then Aguilar caught on with the idea.

This was apparently no dream. But just to make sure, you did the reality tests which were pinching your nose and seeing if you could still breathe, counting your fingers to see if there was still ten of them, looking around the room to see if anything was out of place, and pinching yourself to see if it hurts. After that, you slowly opened up the shelf door to see the three men standing there with locked eye contact on you.

"You have a hidden room" asked Arno. "Yea, I usually keep extra weapons in here". You got out and closed the door. "What weapons" asked Aguilar. You went to your dining table and pulled out a handgun from underneath it and presented it to them. "Sometimes small stuff like these or maybe other weapons".

You put it back under the table and proceded to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The breakfast you decided to make were pancakes with blueberries and chocolate chips. Everyone loves pancakes, but you knew for a fact that all of them, apart from Desmond, have never tried them before. Or at least, you thought they didn't.

You pulled out pancake mix and other necessary ingredients. "Uhm... Connor right"?


"Can you do me a favor and go wake up everyone else please"?

"Sure". Connor then walked back up the stairs which left you with Arno and Aguilar. To be honest, you were happy that it wasn't a dream since they were just as handsome as they appeared from yesterday. But it was still a lot to take in. "What are you making mademoiselle"?

"Pancakes, and a couple other things". They seemed confused since they probably had no idea what pancakes were, but they were going to find out once your done. "Don't worry, you'll like it. And if you don't, then I'll make you something else".

A couple minutes went by and all the pancakes were being made on separate pans. To stay focused, you put all of them in front of the television again like yesterday but Aguilar stayed by you. "¿De todos modos puedo ayudarte?" (Is there anyway I can help you?).

You smiled at Aguilar and responded by saying "No, gracias. Estar a mi lado es lo suficientemente bueno para mí". (No thanks. You being beside me is good enough for me.) Aguilar smiled and leaned in to kiss your cheek. You smiled and continued cook. You flipped the last pancake like a fucking pro and put it on the last plate.

There were 12 plates with each one having three pancakes. Two were blueberry pancakes and the other was chocolate chip. You decided that you would add bacon too, because who doesn't like bacon. You didn't make any for yourself since you don't always eat breakfast. It was more important to you that the assassins eat first and are satisfied. Sometimes your friends would say your too nice for your own good.

"Breakfast is ready! Come and grab a plate" you announced in the living room. Jacob was the first to get up, he must've been starving. The rest made their way to the kitchen and took a place to sit and eat. You pulled out knives and forks for them and went to grab your coffee.

They all sat down. Some where either at the kitchen table or the breakfast bar and Arno and Altaïr were standing and eating. You offered them a place to sit and eat but they politely declined. "Why are you not eating bella (beautiful)" asked Ezio.

"I'm not really a breakfast person. It's more important to me if you guys eat" you said. "If I may, this is absolutely delicious" said Jacob. "Thank you. Anyways, I wanted to ask you all something now that I have your guy's attention".

"What is it Mademoiselle" asked Arno. All of them then turned to you. "Well, I don't want you guys to sit and be bored. So, I figured that we could go out. Like a movie or something".

"Sounds... amazing! What is a movie" asked Claudia.

"Remember when you all watched the television" you asked.

"Yeah, that magical box in the other room" said Leonardo.

"Right. Well, it's like that but people go there and watch new content. It's fun" you said with a reassuring smile. They still didn't really understand. "Ok. You guys know what 'theatre' and 'plays' are right"? Some of them said 'yes' while others just nodded their heads.

"Well, it's like that but ten times better. But before we head out, you guys need to know everything on how people act and the law. It's gonna be long, but pay attention".


It took a long time but you eventually got common knowledge into their heads and you rented three ubers with vans to take you all to the movies. Most of them practically fought you because they didn't trust the drivers or the viechles. But you all made it and got your snacks.

They had to leave their weapons at the house and keep their hoods off. Some were not happy about that and the rest were alright with that. They obviously didn't know what popcorn or soda were, because you didn't introduce that to them yet. You just got them popcorn and Coca-Cola. The movie you all went to see was Kevin Hart's movie, 'Night School'.

The assassins surprisingly behaved themselves although their laughter was a bit obnoxious. And of course Aguilar was sitting beside you and Leonardo was also beside you. During the movie, Aguilar held your hand and you leaned on his shoulder. He didn't really much care for the movie, all he cared about was you.

But unlike the other assassins, they were staring at the screen like it was when they first witnessed the pieces of eden.


The movie was great and you all made it back home. The assassins were so tired that when you all got back to the house, the male assassins passed out on floor. While Evie and Claudia just went to nap on the ninety angle couch. "Bueno, me sorprende que estuvieran tan cansados. No estaban tan cansados ​​en esa máquina". (Well, I'm surprised they were that tired. They weren't that tired in that machine".)

You chuckled at that and said "Lo sé. Pero mientras duermen, ¿te gustaría jugar un juego conmigo?" (I know. But while they're sleeping, would you like to play a game with me?) Aguilar smiled at you and said "me encantaría." (I would love too).

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go hellisfinedean and Andrea_Komuro. I would like to apologize for me accidentally uploading this too early. I don't know how that happened and my god it's so annoying. I'm sorry. The next one shot will be uploaded if not today then tomorrow morning.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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