(REQUEST) (A coincidental hero) (Haytham Kenway X Reader)

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In Boston, there was a lot to deal with. Rude people, animals on the street, and thiefs. You were the same as everyone else, you had a town house and mostly kept to yourself. There was no need for you to be acting as crazy as everyone else. You were raised correctly, not incorrectly.

It was good to know that good people still exist otherwise this whole world would be nothing but toxic waste of hatred and death. The good people were impossible to see from a far but you knew that they were still here. Whether they were helping people or being good Samaritans, every step counts.

The Boston streets were starting to die down with people going home to sleep for the night. You were walking home slowly to enjoy the night. The red coats were patrolling as usual and as always they were annoying. It would be just nice to get home and relax. As you continued walking, a punch was delivered right to your cheek.

You stumbled back and held your cheek in pain. "What the hell"!? You looked at your attacker and saw be had stolen your coin purse. Before you could snatch it he pulled out his pistol. You pur your hands up in surrender and fear. A shot was heard but you didn't feel pain. The gunsman fell lifeless and you stood there confused and tried to relax your fast heart beat.

"Madame, are you alright"? You looked over and saw a man with a tri-corner hat and a wore mostly black. His black hair was in a ponytail with a red tie tied around it. He had a very proper stance and showed that he was willing. "I'm fine, thank you so much".

"My pleasure miss..?"

"(Y/n), (y/n) (l/n)".

"A beautiful name. Haytham Kenway, at your service madam". You smiled at him and said, "Listen, I have to head back home. But if you'd like you can stop by tomorrow. I live at the end of town in the last town house".

"Well, this is certainly a difficult question to answer" he said jokingly. You chuckled at his type of humor. "I'd love too". You smiled brightly and said, "Ok! Then I'll see you... tomorrow". You leaned in and kissed his cheek. You walked off giving him a final wave and continued walking. Haytham waved back with a smile on his face.

The rest of the walk back to your home was peaceful and all you thought about was Haytham. His smile, his humor, and his overall handsomeness. Although you just met, there was some kind of connection between you two. You felt it and you wondered if Haytham felt it too? He most likely did considering he accepted your offer so soon.

When you reached your home, you found the door opened and saw some of your furniture flipped. You rushed inside and saw three bandits still snooping around your home. Your presence made them aware of you and they directed their attention to you. Not two seconds after they saw, two of them pulled out swords and the other pulled out a musket. You bolted out the door with the three bandits chasing you down.

You kept running and running through the city and kept hearing the threats of the bandits being hurled at you. People would see you running for your life and not do anything other than look and go back to what you were doing. Out of all the people who saw you, there was one person who caught your eye. It was Haytham! You kept running to him and held him tightly.

He tensed not recognizing you until he saw you. Then he saw you but seemed somewhat relieved. "(Y/n)? What's wrong"?

"Theres bandits chasing me, kill them"! Haytham looked behind you and saw the three bandits that were chasing you down stopped when they saw you not moving. "Hand over the bitch". Haytham put you behind him and said, "Now, that's no way to talk to a lady". Haytham pulled out his own sword and made sure you were protected.

"I'll give you three gentlemen one last chance to walk away and never bother her again".

"We don't take orders from you, now hand her over". You were scared at what they do but Haytham still protected you. "No one will lay a hand on her while I'm here". Haytham then charged for the three bandits and slashed at them. The bandit with the musket backed up to shoot Haytham, but Haytham quickly grabbed one of them and held him in front of him as a human shield.

The bandit shot him and the bandit that was used as a shield instantly died and fell to the ground. The bandit realized his mistake of firing the gun and instantly felt shame. Haytham dropped the lifeless body and started attack the swordsman. They both clashed swords and wouldn't stop until one of them died. The rifle wielding bandit ran up from behind Haytham to hit him but you quickly grabbed his rifle to prevent him from doing so.

You weren't able to take it from him but at least able to stop him from hitting Haytham. The bandit back handed you, hard, and you fell to the ground. The bandit was about to stab you in chest but before he did a sword pierced through his chest and he dropped his sword beside you. He fell lifeless and you saw Haytham looking satisfied but then turned his attention to you. "Are you alright"?

You smiled and took his hand that he offered to help you get up. "Thank you, Haytham".

"All that matters is that your alright". You blushed at his statement and did something that your proud of. You pulled him in for kiss. He seemed surprised at first but enjoyed the moment. He held you by the hips and you held him by the neck.

You both pulled back and looked into each others eyes. "Still wish to come over tomorrow" you asked. Haytham smiled and said, "Why not now"? You smiled and took him by the hand to lead him back to your home.

And I think you can figure what happened that night. I'm not going into details...

But here's the kicker...

After that night, you and Haytham kept going out until, after two years, you both tied the knot. You both got married and now live happily in New York with a much nicer home and with a child on the way. Not only are you both happy to be together but you both will still be happy with your child when it arrives.

You were hoping for a girl but Haytham was hoping for a boy. But it didn't really matter, because you both will still be happy parents and have a beautiful blessing to come into your lives. "I love you, (y/n)".

"I love you too, Haytham".

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go FrozenInIce. Haytham may be the Templar grandmaster, but he's still our lovable Templar. He's misunderstood and willing. He would be a great Assassin but he's also a great Templar. That's why we love him.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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