(SERIES) (2) (Assassins and Templars X Mother! Reader, sort of)

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It was the next day of when these unknowingly people made their way into your house with you and your four children. You were agitated and confused, but your kids were stoked to have them here, especially Olivia and Jackson. They absolutely loved them all. Lindsey didn't seem to mind but she was still being a curious toddler by playing with either Arno's shirt buttons or by attempting to talk to them with babbles.

~beep beep beep~

You groaned and saw your clock going off at the designated time, 6:00 AM, which means you had to get up and prepare breakfast and get ready for the day. Rolling out of the bed with weak sunlight barely peeking through the window, you didn't bother getting changed out of your silky pajamas, you were only focused on getting breakfast ready for everyone. It was nice and peaceful. Let's see how long this lasts for.

Olivia slowly woke up and stirred in bed. She finally sat up and just remembered what happened yesterday. She hoped out of bed and ran to the bookshelf. She opened it up and saw Jacob and Evie still asleep in the beds.

She silently walked over to Evie and shook her arm. After five seconds she shot up and after she noticed that it was just Olivia, she smiled. "Good morning Olivia". She shushed her and pointed to Jacob who was out like a light.

"Let's get him" she said in a mischievious way. Evie gave a look of desire and slowly got out of bed and followed Olivia to the kitchen. Olivia ran to the fridge and grabbed whipped cream and ran to get a feather from the feather duster.

"Come on Evie", she grabbed her hand and ran back upstairs to her room. She silently tip toed to Jacob and sprayed some whipped cream on his hand. She and Evie were trying not to laugh. "Watch this". She started to tickle his nose with the feather which caused him to smack his nose.

He jolted and woke up with whipped cream all over his face. Olivia and Evie instantly broke into a fit of laughter. "What the bloody hell are you doing, and what's on my face" demanded Jacob. Olivia gasped for breath and said, "It's whipped cream, you can eat it".

Jacob just lept out of bed, took what was left on his hand and smeared it on Evie's face. "JACOB, STOP THAT". Evie stood there in shock while Olivia just fell to the floor laughing. She could barely breath.

"OH, you think it's funny, huh" asked Jacob as he couldn't really deal with her laughter. She nodded as her laugh started to die down. "DO YOU NOW? DO YOU NOW? WHAT ABOUT NOW"- he proceeded to scoop her up and kiss her cheeks and rub his nose on her face.

His reason?

He still had a large amount of whipped cream on his face.

"NOT SO FUNNY NOW IS IT". Olivia squealed and tried to push him away but couldn't since she was basically constricted in his arms, but she somehow got lose from Jacob and dashed out of the room with the Frye twins following her, all while she was wiping the whipped cream off her face.

She ran into a random room where there was Desmond, Connor, Edward and Ezio. As soon as she barged, they all saw her, but she ran and hid behind Edward. "Where are you Olivia" asked Jacob in a mischievous way.

She only giggled and held onto Edward's leg. "What's wrong lass"?

"They're gonna catch me".

"What is that on your face" asked Connor.

"I'm not sure, she's the one who caused it" said Jacob.

"It's just whipped cream, you can eat it you know" said Olivia.

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